Austin King and the terrible horrible no good very bad day

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"Get on up" my step dad James says turning in the light. I groan and lay in bed a while longer, eventually getting up and heading to the shower. I put on jean high waisted shorts that are ombre purple and blue, spaghetti strap purple crop top, and a different shades of blue flannel over it.

After taking my hair out of its braids I slip on low top white converse, grab my stuff and go downstairs. "Where you think you going in them itty bitty shorts?" Kodi asks eating a hot dog. "Can you not? My shorts are fine" I say taking a bagel out of the toaster. "Yo ass is hanging out." he argues. "Can y'all stop with the arguing? I'll see you later." Mom says kissing our cheeks and heading out the door in a hurry. I roll my eyes. She always with James, out of town, or at work, never home.

"You need to change" Kodi tells me. "You are so annoying" I say. "Aight. Keep on dressing like a hoe and you gon get treated like a hoe. Now come on so we can go" he says.

"Austin Austin Austin" I hear a voice say as I'm at my locker. I turn around and roll my eyes. "I'm not in the mood Jason" I say. "You extra feisty today" he replies. "Jason seriously! Not right now" I tell him. "Ok ok" he said holding his hands up. "What's wrong tho?" He asks. "I don't wanna talk about it and it's actually none of your business" I tell him. "Well-" I see Travis walking and I really wanna talk to him. "Hold that thought" I tell Jason running toward Trav.

"Travis" I call out. He sees me and rolls his eyes. "Don't be like that. I thought you said we were ok" I say. "I think I'd be ok if you stayed away from me for a while" he tells me. "How long is a while?" I ask. "A few months" he answers. "A few months?! You gotta talk to me Travis, and tell me what the hell I even did to you" I say. "Nah. I'd rather not. And I'm pretty much done with this conversation so... goodbye" he says waking away. I stand there with my mouth open.

"Awwwww. Your boyfriend doesn't wanna talk to you anymore?" Jason asks smirking. I glare at him and walk of towards Sean's locker.

* * * * *

It's lunch time, and Travis has been avoiding me all day. Kodi calls me over to his table. "Winston asked me if he could get you from school" he tells me. "What'd you say?" I ask. "I said yeah. But you better be good and stop giving me attitude." He answers. I roll my eyes "Whatever" I say walking back to my table.

"So you know Jason?" Tab asks the table. We all nod. "It turns out that my mom is dating his dad, and they're getting married" she tells us. "I don't know if I should say congratulations or laugh at you" Stahir says. "Well I think you lucky cuz his daddy got major cash" Hayden says. "Austin?" Tabitha calls my name. "Yeah?" I ask. "You kinda quiet over there. What's on your mind?" She questions. "Nothing. Tell your mom I said congrats" I tell her.

"Hello dear sister" Jason says sitting down next to Tab. "Have you told them the news?" He asks. "Uh huh" she answers. "Isn't this great Austin? Im your best friend's brother now" he says. "Yup. It's just dandy" I say sarcastically. "Jason go away" Tab says annoyed. "Why? I'm just tryna be a good brother and get to know your friends better" he says smirking and looking at me. "Jason!" Tabitha yells. "Alright fine. See you at home" he says walking away.

"How long did you know about this?" I ask her. "About two weeks, I told him not to tell anyone. We are moving into his house today" she answers. "Why you ain't tell me?!" I ask. "Because I know your issues with him" she says. "Yeah. You do. So don't you think it would have made since for you to tell me earlier?" I say. "What's done is done. There is nothing I can do about it" she says dismissing the conversation. "Okay... So who likes pie?" Sean says trying to change the subject. This day keeps getting worse and worse, I can't wait to see my boo.

* * * * *

"Hey" Winston says as I get into his car when school let's out. "Hey" I say buckling my seat belt. "How was your day love?" He asks pulling off. "It was terrible" I answer. "And why is that?" He questions. I think of Travis. "I'd prefer not to say" I reply. He raises an eyebrow at me and returns his focus to the road.

After a few minutes of silence Winston looks over at me. "You'd tell me anything right? You wouldn't... Keep anything from me would you?" He asks. My head pops up from my phone and my eyes widen. "No" I say quickly. As we come to a stop at a red light he stares at me. "So you haven't been having any... Problems with a friend lately?" He asks when the light turns green. "No why would you ask that?" I ask. Where in the world are all these questions coming from?

"I was just wondering" he says. He looks as of he's deep in thought. "Do you have feelings for someone else Austin?" He asks. I look at him with my mouth slightly ajar. "No. No of course not" I answer. "Why are you lying to me?" He asks. "What?" I ask surprised. "You heard me. Why you lying?" He repeats getting louder. "It's complicated Winston. Who told you anyway?" I ask. "Manny is my cousin. You really thought he wasn't gonna tell me if my girl ain't being loyal? He answers. Damnt Manny. How could u not know they were cousins?!

"So you kissed him?" Winston asks. "I don't understand why you wanted to pick me up if all you finna do is question me" I say. "Austin fucking King. Dodge one of my questions again! Did. You. Kiss. Him?!" He yells making me jump. He ain't never talked to me like this before. "Yeah" I mumble. "Speak up!" Hid voice booms. "I said yes! But so freaking what?! I'm with you aren't I?!" I yell.

He doesn't say anything for a while. "I don't know. Are you with me?" He asks. "Yes. You know I am" I answer. "Nah. I don't know. I can't tell the way you be talking to other guys and kissing someone that ain't me." He says. "Those guys approach me!" I defend. "Yeah but you don't turn them away or mention me" he says. "So what are you saying?" I ask rolling my eyes. "I'm saying that you skating on thin ice. One more mishap and I'm done" he answers. "Ok" I say. We pull up in my drive way. I guess he just wanted to talk. "I'm serious about what I said Austin" he says as I get out. "Ok Winston" I say rolling my eyes and shutting the door. I know better than to slam it. If I did that my body would be somewhere in the woods.

"Why you back so early?" Kodi asks when I get into the house. "He just wanted to talk" I say heading up the stairs. I put all my stuff away and grab my iPod. "Im going to the pool!" I shout walking out the door. I need to clear my head, this has been the worst day.

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