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There is something I need to confess, the real reason I got so nervous when Winston was questioning me. It all started about a month ago.

It was three days into my relationship with Winston when I walked into McDonald's. He was standing in line two people behind me. I didn't notice him at first.

"Hey, I couldn't help but notice you and your beautiful chocolate skin" he says. I smile and look down. "Don't look down, I wanna see your gorgeous face. Can I sit?" He asks. I nod. He sits down in the seat across from me and takes a sip of his drink.

"What's your name?" He asks. "Austin" I answer. "You know, you make that name sound so sexy" he says. I smile. "I'm Xavier" he says slowly licking his lips. His lips... Full and pink, VERY nicely complimenting his flawless brown skin. He had hair that cascaded in curly waterfalls down his shoulders and touched the middle of his back.

"You gotta man?" He asks. I shake my head. Oops. "No? What's a pretty little brown girl like you doing without a man?" He asks. I shrug. "Well I can fix that" he says.

It all escalated from there. He was 19, a freshman in college. Waaaaaay too old for me I know, but at the time I didn't care. I spent all of my free time with him. Kodi thought I was with Winston and for all Winston knew I was at home.

He was smooth. Way too smooth for his own good, and I quickly fell into his trap. He would always tell me how beautiful I was, and how much he loved my chocolate skin. He made me feel so good about myself. It was great.

Until one day he wanted something from me that I was no where near ready to give. At times I would contemplate his request, but then I came to my senses. What the hell was I doing with a grown man? I had no business seeing him AND I had a boyfriend. I tried to cut him off, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He makes me feel sooo good about myself. Being dark doesn't matter. He absolutely adores my skin.

I feel so terrible about it, but I can't help it. I crave attention. After being rejected for so long, I can't help but fall for the first person that calls me beautiful. I can't blame it on daddy issues, and I can't blame it on the people who used to tell me I was ugly.

I can only blame myself,

for cheating on Winston.

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