The China Doll - Chapter 5:

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Finally it was morning i had this terrible nightmare that i couldn't get out of. It was about the china doll telling me to kill Mrs Brown and i did the worst part that kept replaying in my mind was all the blood gushing out of Mrs Brown. This replay stuck into my head, I couldn't concentrate, i couldn't eat and i even said to Amelia to go away. I felt terrible but i was home, I heard the hover upstairs, the phone started to ring, Mrs Brown didn't hear it so i ran to answer it. "HAHAHAHAHA you can't escape me, NEVER!" I put down the phone straight away and i ran to school without breakfast. "Hehehehehe I'm still with you, even if you can't see me, i will always be with you." His laugh made me shiver but i kept running. I didn't know where i was going because i just past school 5 minutes ago but just then a huge gust of wind pulled me into a alleyway. Standing there was the chins doll, head twisted to the side, smiling. Again as last time i was being pulled to the ground, I couldn't move one muscle at all. It came closer taking a inch step each time, with a knife in the china dolls hand it came more closer, so close the knife eventually touched my neck. "I'm not afraid to cut your throat." And with those last words the china doll slit my throat. "Oh don't worry your going to live but you will see a lot of blood." My mouth was tied up so I couldn't seek for help. My eyes started to close and the next thing i knew i was in my school medical room. 

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