Chapter 2: Chaos Rising

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Word count: 18189 words.

Previously on Did I make you scream:

As the screen shut off and was showing nothing but a blank, black screen. Everyone still stared silently at the screen.

This was understandably overwhelming for the group but they were also very curious in what the hell happened next.

The core four had many questions growing through their heads as they thought about everything they had just learned.

Tara couldn't help but fear what else they might see, they learned that Y/n is not only a fucking Werewolf but that she had fought against other monsters and Hunters that wanted her and her brother dead. She was scared she might have to see things that probably would never leave her mind. Scared of having to see Y/n in more dangerous situations and in pain.

Ambrose walked to stand infront of the whole group with a smirk.

"I'll let you guys have a break before we start the next sequence of memories.... Now who's hungry?" The man stated bluntly before asking with a smirk as he gestured to the table full of food that appeared seemingly out of nowhere.


This Time:

Everyone was finished with their snacks and drinks, they mingled amongst one another as they tried to pass the time for the break to end.

Everyone was ready to jump back into the memories, wanting to learn more and try to understand everything.

It's not everyday that you find out the supernatural is real, let alone that one of your friends for almost a year was one of them.

Mindy and Chad were talking with Randy, telling him all about what had happened in their lives and how their mother was doing.

Anika and Danny were talking with Dewey and Tatum, getting to know the two siblings and what woodsboro was like before the first ghostface attack.

Sam and Tara were talking with Sidney and Gale, catching the Prescott woman up on what's happened in their lives since they last saw her.

The core four talked with one another while they were eating and talked, talked about how when they get out of here they not only had to find out a plan to take down ghostface, but also trying to come up with an amazing apology for the Mccall.

They should have never listened to the masked psycho and accuse the Mccall of being in on it when they all knew that Y/n was probably the second most protective out of all of them, just under Sam.

Countless of times had the Mccall saved Mindy from pointless heated arguments, saved Chad from fights with the egotistical frat boys, saved Sam from people trying to harass her for woodsboro, saved Tara from insensitive assholes wanting to know what happened during her attack.

Those and so many more where Y/n had probed she was on their side. Never once letting the rumors about them stop her from making new friends.

They owed her a lot, and they were gonna step up and show her that she was one of them. Even if she wasn't woodsboro she was apart of their little family.

Tara was still taking in the fact that not only was her Best friend/crush a werewolf, but one that was becoming powerful. Well at least in this timeline.

She hated having to see the Mccall girl in pain and in potential danger as it sets off her nerves. These memories seem to be nothing but that, making her feel slightly worse at all the accusations of being a selfish killer they had thrown at her.

Did I Make You Scream? (Scream/Teen Wolf Wtm) Where stories live. Discover now