Chapter 1: The Tattoo

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Word count: 17,403

No one's Pov

After everyone had calmed down and accepted they were here till the narrator was done with them, they all began to sit in the theaters seats.

The core four all sat together Sam, Tara, Mindy, then Chad.

Behind them were the OG's Gale, Sydney, Randy, Dewey, then Tatum.

Ambrose clapped his hands and gained everyone's attention, pulling them away from their previous conversations with the adults behind them.

"So before we get this started I would just like to warn you of some things" the man stated before dropping his hands to his sides and observing the group.

"We've already faced that asshat ghostface, I don't think anything can really faze us anymore" Mindy said annoyed at this whole thing. She just wanted to make sure Anika was ok in the hospital and find out if the Mccall was a backstabbing killer.

"You sure about that?" The smirk on the man's face made everyone uneasy at his implications that Y/n has been through worst than just a crazy person behind a mask.

"Oh before I forget, here's a little treat" The man snapped and the blinding light that took them all shone all around them once more as two people dropped in.

Standing up and looking around confused the group made out that the people just joining them were none other than a very confused Danny and uninjured Anika.

"What the hel-Mindy!!" Anika cut herself off as she rushed to her girlfriend, melting into a hug before mindy practically shoved Chad a seat further down so her girlfriend was near.

Danny just looked around with a lost expression before sighing and rubbing his hands down his face as he signed. "I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know" the man muttered before sitting in the empty seat to Sam's left.

Ambrose gave them a quick Summary on what they were all doing here before smiling widely and snapping again, making the screen come to life.

"Now, lets get started shall we?"

(Italics- memories, normal- talk before or after memories, bold italics- the Woodsboro group commentary)

[Scene Setting: Industrial garage]

Drops of blood glisten across the floor of a barely lit garage. The trail leads to a pair of shoes dragging past parked cars, an unconscious body pulled urgently by an unseen figure.

"I already don't like this" Tara muttered with a shudder at the body being dragged along with all the blood, everyone else nodded in agreement.

Gently but quickly, the body is laid on the floor. The hood of a car pops open and gloved hands reach in to attach jumper
Cables to the battery.

The shirt on the body yanks open, exposing a bloodied torso.

"They're not gonna do what I think they are... right?" Randy asked uneasily at the bloody body that looked ready to be hit with the electricity from the jumpers.

The other ends of the jumper cables touch down on the pale skin and a burst of electricity lights up the garage, revealing the identity of the body- Isaac Lahey.

His eyes surge with a yellow glow as he's shocked back to consciousness. Blinking in confusion, he sees a beautiful but mysterious girl peering down at him.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" Mindy, Chad, and Randy all yelled out at seeing the yellow glow to the boys eyes.

"THAT'S NOT FUCKING NORMAL!" Tara yelled out next just as freaked out.

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