Chapter 6: Motel California

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TW: for those who don't remember this episode this chapter will include sensitive topics such as suicide, mental health, and abuse. Please, please don't read if this will make you uncomfortable or triggered in anyway.

Word count: 18,502


Previously on Did I make you scream:

Jennifer flinches back in shock as Derek slumps into view.

Quickly opening the door, she steps out to help. But he collapses to the ground in front of her, bleeding, pale and barely breathing. Severely wounded, but not dead.

Not yet...

-----------------END OF EPISODE-----------------

The room was silent as they all tried to wrap their heads around each little storyline presented to them today.

Ambrose chuckled lowly as he saw some of the lost looks on people's faces. He knew it was gonna get heavy in here after this next break, so he was gonna do what he could to help them all relax before the storm hit.

"Alright, that was an eventful one, huh? I got to deal with the other group and it's gonna get angst there so I'm gonna give you guys some more food, some movies to watch for now. Unwind, talk amongst yourselves, watch whatever. Till next time" Ambrose said leaving no room for interruption or questions.

The narrator finished with a smirk and disappeared in his signature flash of light.

"I hate when he does that" Stiles said annoyed as his eyes stayed on the spot the man was just a moment ago.

"You and me both, dude" Chad said in agreement before walking over to the food table with Sam, Danny and his sister.

Tara got up from her seat and stretched for a moment before looking to the Mccall girl still seated. "Come on, let's get some food before you tell me all about what we missed out on"

Y/n smiled fondly and looked at the carpenter teasingly. "You don't forget anything do you carpenter?"

Tara smiled back just as fondly, holding out her hand for the Mccall wolf to take. "Not when it comes to you"

Y/n rolled her eyes playfully in an attempt to hide her reddened tips of her ears. The Mccall took the carpenter's hand with a smile before leading the two of them to the buffet, starting at the beginning.

"So one night during our sophomore year, their was a body discovered in the beacon hills preserve....."


This Time:

Everyone in the theater was having a good time.

The pack was getting to know the core four as well as Danny and Anika, the parents were getting along well with the adults of woodsboro.

Y/n and her brothers had talked with the core four and caught them up to speed on the year and a half that took place beforehand.

Safe to say the childhood friend group from woodsboro were shocked and took a second to process everything, it's not everyday that you're told about a psychotic revenge crazed alpha, two homicidal maniac hunters, and a stalker with a kanima all in one go.

After that was settled, everyone split off to mingle and relax. Chad and Mindy going to spend some time with their uncle, Sam and Tara going to talk with Gale, Sidney, Tatum, and Melissa, while the trio sat amongst themselves and joked around with some of the pack popping in and out of their conversation.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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