Chapter 3: Fireflies

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"Y/n's gonna give me a heart attack...they're all gonna give me a fucking heart attack."
Tara said tiredly as she stared at the screen in a mix of horror and disbelief at the last few events on screen.

"I..I need a nap" Sam said with the same look her sister had, slightly sinking lower in her seat.

Mindy, Chad, and Anika all nodded as they two were put off by the last few scene shown.

"So I guess we're gonna take a break.....I'll just leave you guys to it" Ambrose said cheekily before snapping his fingers twice, one for the seats to change temporarily into beds for the grow and another for him to vanish and leave from the theater as he went to take a much needed break for himself as well.

"Shit, I gotta check up on universe, I'll do it later" Ambrose said in realization before shrugging and carrying on to his room.


This Time:

Ambrose sighed as he popped back into the theater, seeing everyone passed out around the theater on the beds he made appear.

Sam and Tara were sleeping peacefully on one. Anika and Mindy on another as Chad was spread out star style on one he took for himself.

Dewey and gale ended up sharing a bed and was peacefully cuddling with one another as Randy was snoring, hugging a pillow to his chest a few rows behind them.

Danny was sleeping like a normal person with some earplugs he found and Sidney and Tatum were passed out with some magazines on the covers, looking very much like how their sleepovers would end back in the day.

The narrator shook his head before clapping his hands loudly and calling out loudly to the group.

"Rise and shine cupcakes!"

Everyone jumped out of their skins in fear of the sudden loud noises.

Chad and Randy even fell out of their beds trying to hop up out of them.

"Dude!" Tara yelled out annoyed as she held her hand to her chest feeling her heartbeat frantically.

"What the fuck, Ambrose!" Sam yelled out after her sister as she ran her hands through her hair and helped Chad up.

Mindy and Anika threw there pillows at the man as the others groaned sleepily and rubbed their eyes to get the sleep out.

The narrator just laughed at them before snapping his fingers, the beds changing back into the theater seats they once were.

"Oh- that was hilarious, thank you for that I needed it. Anyways I'm tired from dealing with the other group I'm looking after and boy let me tell you, headache!" Ambrose rambled on as he walked around the theater to get some things out of place settled. "So we're just gonna jump right into the next sequence of memories"

Before anyone could protest or reply in anyway, they were all shushed by the narrator's expression and sat in their seats from the say before. Sighing as the screen comes to life once more.

(Italics- memories, normal- talk before or after memories, bold italics- the Woodsboro group commentary)



The full moon looms omnipresent over the eerily quiet woods of Beacon Hills. Far closer to the ground, another glowing object flutters into view.

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