Chapter 5: Frayed

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Word count: 20,684.

Spam the comments, it's the highlight of my day lol


"That should be good for now, see you guys soon" The narrator smirked before disappearing from the room in a white light.

Stiles stared at the spot the man was just in before looking at the core four. "is he always like that?"

They nodded as they grabbed food for themselves.

"All the time" Chad said with a mouth full of pizza.

"You get used to it" Sam said with a shrug as she passed Mindy and Anika the plate that had mozzarella sticks.

"Or it just gives you a headache" Tara smiled before sitting next to Y/n, offering the Mccall a bite of her sandwich.

"Good to know..." Stiles trailed off, sending his sister a knowing smile before walking up to Scott to grab some taco bell.


This Time:

The pack was having a fun time talking with one another and the new people they've met.

Stiles and Scott had gotten along well with Chad and Mindy. The meeks-martin girl and the Stilinski bonding in their love for movies and the only one with true appreciation for sarcasm. And the Mccall boy and Meeks-martin boy had their love for sports and overprotective nature for their families in common.

Sam and Danny were conversing with Dewey and Gale as Tatum and Sidney talked with Anika, Lydia and Malia.

Randy was in passed out, happily in a food coma after eating his weight in pizza.

Derek was talking with sheriff Stilinski as Melissa and argent talked amongst themselves.

Tara and Y/n were talking with one another.

The carpenter spent twenty minutes apologizing for how quickly they all jumped on the idea of the Mccall being ghostface.

But Y/n understood. They had gotten betrayed by many people in the past, and none scared them all more then when Theo and the dread doctors came. The Mccall knew what trust issues could do and she didn't hold any grudges against the core four for their fear response, especially after what they experienced with Amber and Richie.

So after a deep talk, the two were now laughing and joking. With the McCalls lycanthropy secret revealed, Y/n was much more open with talking about the past and she was currently telling Tara about the time stiles helped her and Scott with their control.

"He really tied you guys up with duck tape!?" The carpenter laughed as she leaned back into her seat, hands covering her face but not enough to hide her dimples that were popping out.

Y/n chuckled and pointed to the Stilinski laughing in his own conversation with Mindy and Scott. "Yes, smart man over there also thought it would be a great idea to use us as target practice for lacrosse"

Tara gasped before breaking out with more laughed, leaning a bit into the Mccall girls side. "No!"

Y/n couldn't help but laugh along, leaning her own body closer to Tara's. "Yes!"

"You guys are wild" Tara sighed out as she finally stopped her laughter.

The two just sat in a comforting silence. Completely happy to just be in one another's presence.

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