Chapter one

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Audriana pov 

I sit in the dark room next to my team and Taylor Swift, her and I were up for a few of the same awards. She had written her album lover this year, it was the first one she would actually own. I honestly was expecting to lose to her, I mean she's Taylor Swift...who would win to her?

Her and I hold each others hands as Miley Cyrus is giving her speech, about to announce the winners. The first award of the night would be album of the year, I had hoped I would win but I wasn't expecting it. I think that fact was made well aware to everyone watching as well as everyone in the room when Miley suddenly said my name. 

"Go on" Taylor says with a laugh as she shoves me up 

I cant hold back my smile as I walk up the stairs on the stage, fixing my hair and making sure my posture is perfect as I accept the award and pull her in for a hug. 

"Congratulations Audrey" She says smiling at me 

"Thank you" I say before walking up the microphone "I mean wow, just wow. I honestly have no words, I want to say thank you to everyone who made this album possible. Thank you to my dad, my brothers and last but not least, My childhood best friend. You know who you are. This album was written about the lessons I had to learn, growing up and maturing. Thank you to all of my fans for bringing my stats off of the charts, I seriously could not be more thankful to you. I guess a new girl isn't the only thing I will be bringing home tonight" 

At that, everybody laughed as I blush and shake my head. I hand the award to my manager as I walk off of the stage, immediately being hugged by Taylor as she whispers something in my ear. 

"Congratulations" Taylor says as she slides me her flask, I smirk at her before taking a long sip and sliding it back. 

"I'm sorry" I whisper 

"Don't be, I wouldn't have wanted to lose to anyone else" Taylor jokes "Plus, our standings were pretty close so that's got to mean something" 

"and next up, for Artist of the year. We have, going two for two....Audriana Moore" Beyonce announces an hour later, My jaw drops once again as the cameras hover over my face. I stumble up out of my seat and walk over to her, pulling her in for a huge hug as she hands me the award. 

"Seriously? I have absolutely no words" I say in shock "I mean, fuck is this real right now? Wait, can I say that? I don't think I can, I'm sorry. Thank you again everyone for sticking by my side even after that god awful album I wrote when I was 16. My publicist is going to kill me but I can't think of a better time to announce this...I know you guys have been investigating me and my posts for quite a while now and well to quote the amazing Taylor Swift. The rumors are terrible and cruel, but most of them are true. I have a new single called Happier coming out March 29th" 

"Let me win the next one, yeah?" Taylor jokes as she pulls me in for a huge hug as we go back to our seats 

"If you don't, ill do a Kanye west...except on myself" I say laughing as she laughs along 

As expected, Taylor win's "Music video of the year" award for her song, The Man. I give her the biggest hug and leave a kiss on her cheek as she goes up and accepts the award. Giving her amazing speech and walking back towards us. She hands me her flask again and we both take a shot this time, dedicating it to us and our success. 

"Audriana, you won two awards tonight. How does that feel?" A different interviewer asks me 

"It feels really good" I say with a huge smile on my face, my intoxication probably very visible 

"and your necklace, is it new?" She asks 

"It was my moms, my dad gave it to me today in the dressing room" I say as the smile immediately disappears

"Come on, I want to drink" Taylor says dragging me away from the interview, and as of right now...I couldn't be more thankful for her. 

"Duty calls" I say with a fake laugh as I walk off with her, resting my arm around her waist and she stumbles about. When Taylor talked about her being a lightweight, the woman was not kidding. 

"Congratulations kiddo" My dad says as he pulls me in for a hug, kissing my forehead "Your mom is so proud of you"

"You did amazing" Noah says "Mentioning Leah in your speech?"

"Shut up" I say punching his arm 

"I'm really happy I got to be here to watch it" Jenson says "Were all very proud of you and I'm sure Leah is too"

"how is Isabella?" I ask, his daughter was three years old now. He and his girlfriend split up when she was a few months old and he had full custody, it was a devastating break up but he powered through. In fact, I even wrote a song about their relationship. It all seemed so perfect, it was the one I looked up too growing up. 

"She's really good, I'm sure she stayed up late and watched the award show" He jokes 

"Who's watching her?" I ask him 

"Dont worry about that" He shrugs off "You won two awards tonight, go and drink with Taylor" 

"Congratulations Ana" Chase says pulling me in for a hug and spinning me in circles "I swear Ive never screamed louder than I did when your name was called, we were all praying"

"You guys are such idiots" I say shaking my head as he puts me down "Thank you though, for everything"

"Were all flying back to England tomorrow morning, you coming?" He asks "Thinking we could all go out to dinner there, like old times at moms favorite restaurant"

"I don't know Chase, you know I hate it there" I say 

"I know" He says nodding "Alright go celebrate, well see you back at the hotel in the morning" 

"You alright?" Taylor asks, a goofy smile on her face as she drinks her drink 

"You are drunk" I state laughing as I order a vodka soda, my signature drink since my teenage years. Well after I learned not to drink sugary drinks, those nights always ended with me not feeling too good. 

"No I'm not" She states confidently 

"How's Joe?" I ask her 

"Were on a break" She tells me shrugging "I guess he's okay"

"Want to talk about it?" I ask her

"Nope" She tells me and I laugh "Want to get out of here?"

"Damn Swift, making moves already" I joke "Come on"

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