Chapter nine

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Audriana pov

Throughout my childhood, people admired the fact that I wasn't scared of anything. I wasn't scared to talk back to a teacher when I felt disrespected, I wasn't scared to stick up for the younger kids when they were getting picked on, but mostly...I wasn't scared of a challenge. That last one was more high school than anything else, I remember being known for always getting into drinking competitions.

I would say that there were a solid three things in life that genuinely scared me. Snakes, My exes, and planes. I fucking hated Planes, did not fuck with them one single bit. That whole plane ride to ibiza was actually hell. Leah tried her best to make sure I was comfortable, putting on my favorite movie, buying me drinks and food and even offering up her shoulder so I could sleep. At the end of the day, nothing worked and I 100% did come off that plane shaking and on the verge of a panic attack as tears welled in my eyes.

Walking through the airport and security, we were able to get our bags but of course that came with a price. I got searched because my bra set the metal detector off, I never realized how strict TSA was outside of the United States. When we left London, I was 16 and honestly...I blacked that whole period of time out. As expected, multiple pictures were taken of Leah and I due to our high status, that would be all over the news tomorrow morning.

and sure enough it was.

As Leah and I lay on the beach with a few other players, Jill Roord, Jana, Alexia, Beth, Gio, Viv, Laura, Katie, and Caitlyn, a few things start to stir up. For one, Leah and I weren't the only two in the tabloids lately. There had been a huge controversy between Katie's instagram post yesterday. Ruesha and her had stopped following each other on social media, leading people to believe that the two had broken up. I think everyone here was aware of the sexual tension between the two, but nobody bothered to comment on it.

"You happy I made you come now?" Leah asks me as we make eye contact, my eyes trail from her face to her back and slowly down to her legs and butt before coming back up. As if that wasn't hard enough for me to handle, she has a bright idea to roll over, giving me the perfect view of her chest and perfectly toned abs.

"it is nice, I will say that" I joke, shaking my head of all of the thoughts I shouldn't be having "I'm gonna jump in"

"I'll come" Gio says jumping up, having the energy of a little kid

"Wait, I'm coming too" Alexia shouts as she chases behind us

"How much money do we want to bet that Caitlyn and Katie hook up before the end of this trip" Gio asks randomly as we float in the water, our legs kicking as the hot sun beats on our faces

"a lot" Alexia says with a small laugh

"I don't know, there's definitely tension but I dont know if they'll actually act on it" I say "Not sober, at least"

"I'd bet more on you and Leah" Alexia says "We all saw you checking her out"

"they have history" Gio says with a smirk

"Do they?" Alexia asks looking at me with an evil look in her eyes, one that says shes up to something

"No, Leah and I are just family friends...thats it" I say, stumbling over my words as I throw water on the two girls with me

"Well, if you look at friends like that than I think I at least deserve a few tickets to your show" Gio teases "Ill even throw in an award for you"

"got game, do ya Gio?" Alexia teases her friend

As Gio mindlessly flirts with me, and Alexia teases us, we fall into a calm conversation about their World Cup coming up. Alexia explains how she is nervous, how upset she is with the Spanish federation, and how much she wants to win it for her dad. Gio and I sit and listen as we both relate it to certain things in our life. I make a promise to send them tickets to my shows and even flirt back with Gio a little bit. Im not gonna lie, the girl is cute and she's confident.

"Have a good swim?" Katie asks with a smirk on her face as we all walk back, the salt water dripping down our bodies as the redness from the sun starts to make its way over my skin

"We did actually" Gio says with a wink

"We were talking about going out to eat tonight, probably going to go back to our hotel rooms and then meet up at 7?" Leah tells me

"Whatever you want" I tell her as I lay down

"Wait, there's also that music festival tonight at 8:30 though" Caitlyn says "Katie and I were going to go, if you guys want to tag along after dinner"

"Let them go alone" I whisper in Leah's ear before she can speak up, I see the other girls looking at their own friends before giving them an answer. Most of the girls all having the same idea as I did.

"Why?" Leah asks quietly as she turns her head to me, of course she had been oblivious to all of it

"Let them go alone" I say again, sounding out every word

"the more you say it, the more I dont understand Audrey" She says shaking her head at me, I laugh as I pull her into my lap and wrap my arms around her waist

"its a date Leah" I whisper in her ear as I move her hair to the other side of her neck "They are seeing each other"

"What" her head whips around so fast as she turns to look at me, scanning my face for any indication that I was lying

"I think were gonna head back to our rooms and get ready" I announced to the group, I knew damn well that Leah couldn't keep a secret and if she said anything, those two would never even get to experience the taste of each other.

A/N - not proofread (when are they ever) This and the next two chapters were 100% written at 3 in the morning after I smoked a bowl because I couldn't sleep. if you got this far, i have unconditional love for you. thanks for staying along.

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