Chapter twelve

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Audriana pov

As I awake from my slumber, I quickly realize that Leah is not in our hotel room. It had been 3 days since I slept with Gio and none of us had talked about it. Leah was ignoring me and even slept in Keira and Lucy's room last night, it was so blatantly obvious that she was jealous.

I was more upset of how Leah was treating Gio than anything else, she was the young girls captain after all.

I wasn't sure why I was anxious, I usually didn't give a fuck about what people thought about me. It's just how I was raised. You'll never get hurt if you cant feel. A quote constantly embedded in my head from my father. He made sure all of his kids had tough skin, that none would ever be seen crying, it had only gotten worse after my mother died.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I ask the girls, they had planned to go to the music festival that Katie and Caitlyn went too a few days prior.

"You'll sing, we'll drink and dance and then someone usually ends up taking home a date" Lucy explains

"Great" I say rolling my eyes "I cant dance for shit"

"Ive seen you dance" Keira says "You're not half bad"

"I'm sure Gio can testify to that" Leah chimes in, whenever she would talk to me it would never actually be to me, she was upset and that was obvious. She made obvious jabs at Gio and sarcastic comments to me, it also didnt help that the two of us were sharing a room.

"Fine, pick someone to dance with me tonight" I say rolling my eyes, having enough of Leah's shit

"Leah" Keira and Lucy say at the same time, with such confidence in their tone "She doesn't drink and you two clearly have something there... its a Perfect match" Keira explains with a smirk

"Deal, I'll get the capitana to dance with me" I say smirking

"Yeah okay" Jill says in disbelief, chuckling at me as she nudges her girlfriend.

I look out the window, admiring all the beautiful city lights and gardens surrounded in the city of Ibiza. It brought a sense of familiarity to me, a sense of peace, and a sense of home in a weird way.

"Who's all coming tonight anyway?" I ask, attempting to make conversation

"everyone who was at the club" Leah says "try not to embarrass me this time around, yeah?"

"Leah!" Keira and Lucy scold her

"I promise we will look after you" Keira tells me, a genuine smile on her face "Things are a lot different here than in London or America, you're gonna have a lot of fun"

"That's debatable" I answer

"Stop being a Debby downer" Lucy says

fucking shoot me.

I fix my dress and quickly follow them into the building and over to our table, hearing loud cheers from the girls

"Audriana, My favorite Girl!" Mapi shouts as she pulls me in for a hug

"Hey Maps, good to see you too" I laugh as I hug her back before sliding into the booth next to her. I could feel eyes on me from somewhere in the club only I couldn't pinpoint where or who from, it was way too crowded for my liking.

"Since you couldn't really experience Spain last time, we may have a few tricks up our sleeve for tonight" Aitana teases

"Oh my god" I say, immediately putting my head in my hands "Ive heard the stories"

"So then you're well prepared?" Katie asks, a grueling smirk on her face

"We prepped her" Lucy tells the girls

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