Chapter Eight

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Narrarator Pov

Fortunately, after a long excruciating meeting with both of the girls and their team, they were able to come to a solution. The Lawyers had threatened to sue the news company and were able to retrieve the name of the inside source. They are going to pursue suing the woman involved and then put out a statement. Hopefully the statement would clear up the rumors of the two having any bad blood but they would also have to take the extra step and go out together to make sure people knew that they were still friends. It would help promote Audriana's tour as well as Leah's next tournament, the Euros. 

To say that Leah was concerned about the girl was an understatement, she had spent the night at her house after walking into what she did earlier that day. Seeing the girl in such a state, erupted something inside of her. She felt the need to take care of her, feeling the urge to make her happy stronger than anything else she has ever felt. She held her as she cried, she fed her food when she felt like she couldn't eat anymore, and she played with her hair as she slept.

Leah however, couldn't sleep. She never would be able too until she knew that the girl was okay. The comfort Leah once had of stalking the girls social media on her second account and seeing her happy was something no longer there. She was quick to assume that this was not her first breakdown and she hated the feeling of knowing that the girl was not okay, and that she simply had to sit back and watch and couldn't do a single thing.

Walking into Audriana's bedroom for what felt like the hundredth time this week, she still sighs at the sight of it. Leah wasn't one for tidiness but even the state of the girls bedroom was stressing her out. Leah was currently in her off season and had training camp for England next week. 

The blonde knew that Audriana needed to get out of this town for a while, it would be the only way she would be able to get better. Leah grabs her phone and purchases two plane tickets to Ibiza, where she was originally supposed to be with her teammates. She packs a bag full of Audriana's clothes, trying to figure out what was clean and what was dirty as she does so. 

"What are you doing?" Audriana asks as she walks into her bedroom

"Were leaving" Leah says "Were going on a trip"

"I cant Leah, I need to write these songs before I go on tour" Audriana says harshly 

"Your tour is over a year long, you have so many songs in your diaries" Leah says "Okay, think about it like this. The trip im taking you on is going to help you write songs, it'll get your motivation back...come on, let me be your muse again" 

"I hate you" Audriana says shaking her head as a small smile is displayed on her face

Audriana laughs as she sits down on her bed, letting out a real laugh for the first time since she had stepped foot on that plane a month and a half ago. Audriana allows Leah to pack her suitcase as she hands her piles of clothes, Leah teasing her about certain underwear, bras and bathing suits being packed. Audriana's explanation is simply "For tanning" which makes Leah smirk and tease her even more. 

if were being honest here, Leah was only teasing the girl to cover up her jealousy. Leah didn't know why she was jealous, she had just broken up with Jordan and she didn't even have feelings for Audriana. So why does she care if the girl goes out and sleeps with someone else while on vacation, isn't that the whole reason why Leah was inviting her on this trip anyway? 

"You ready? My mom is driving us to the airport in an hour or so" Leah tells the girl as she makes two ham sandwiches, one for herself and one for Audriana. Audriana wasn't a huge fan of Ham sandwiches unless they were Leahs, she claimed that Leah was the only one who knew how much ham she liked and toasted the bread just the right way. She tended to be like goldilocks when it came to eating. 

"Yeah, where are we going again?" Audriana asks 

"Ibiza, a few of my teammates are there right now but they also have this really good music festival going on that you'd love. I usually just bring my mom but I think you need it more than she does" Leah jokes 

"Can I switch you out for Amanda?" Audriana asks, a smirk present on her face 

"I'm sure she'd take you up on that offer, you always were her favorite" Leah laughs 

"I still am beautiful" Audriana flirts, a blush rising on Leah's face as Audriana has a smirk supporting hers 

it was the random moments like these which both left the girls with questions above their head, they both miss what they had so badly. But they could never go back, or could they? No they couldn't, that was what Audriana had convinced herself. The connection and chemistry the two girls had between them was something that nobody could rip apart, it was something so special and so...surreal. It left everyone in awe when they got the pleasure of witnessing it. 

Audriana agreed with Leah when she said that she needed the break from England before her tour, as much as she loved her family, she didn't love the area. Milton Keynes brought such a heartbreak to her. Maybe it was because she always associated the city with old drama and Leah. The blonde and such a pride for the city though, it was her home and it had brought her all the way to where she was now. She bled Milton Keynes, she wanted so badly to change the girls thoughts and grow old with her here, In a friendship way of course. Or maybe that was just what she had convinced herself. 

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