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Bucky's POV:

After another long ride today, I stopped by the bar. Seems to have turned into my daily routine, at least on the days she was there. The once bright, happy woman who now seemed so sad. Her ring is gone. I don't hear her talk about it. Stella talks to her about men, but she has never spoken about her relationship, at least not that I have heard.

Is that why she seems so sad? She's changed quite a bit since I first saw her. She has accumulated quite a few tattoos over the last few months, some piercings, and she's changed her hair color a few times. Never for too long. Red, blue, purple. Black seems to be the one that she keeps going back to. She could shave her head, and I would still think she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

I can never get too close though. It isn't safe. I have to just admire her from a back corner. She never pushes or pressures me to talk. She takes my drink order, cashes me out, gives me a beautiful yet strained smile. I would love to put a real smile on her face again. Like the one she used to have. Oh doll, who hurt you?

Olivia's POV:

It's yet another night in this miserable pit of a town. Tonight is pretty slow at the bar. It's midnight and Stella is already passed out on the bar. Jerry pays his bill, and shakes Stella until she wakes up enough to walk out to Jerry's car for her nightly ride home. Jake is drunk at the end of the bar. I cut him off an hour ago and gave him a coffee to sober him up.

Mr mysterious is in the corner again, sipping his whiskey. Every time I look in his direction, his eyes dart down like he's been caught doing something wrong. He comes in here almost every night, and barely speaks. It's quiet, and I'm bored so I tap the bar to get his attention. He looks up at me from under his baseball cap.

Olivia: "Hey."

He stands up nervously, and walks over to the bar top and hands me cash for one more drink.

Bucky: "I'll head out soon if you are wanting to close up."

I can't help but smile, is that what he thinks I'm doing?

Olivia: "I'm not closing up yet, hun. It's just quiet and I'm bored." I whine at him. He looks at me confused. Obviously he is rusty on conversations. "Have a seat." He cautiously sits down, placing his hands on his thighs, and doesn't seem to know what to do. "So, you're here all the time, and I don't know your name."

Bucky: "My name?"

Olivia: "yea" I say, flashing him a tired smile. "I know all of my other regulars here, but you, sir, are a mystery. So?"

Bucky looks at me, unsure at first but then replies "Bucky."

Olivia: "Bucky? Is that short for something?"

The corner of his mouth turns up slightly then falls back down, like he wants to smile but forces himself not to. "Yea, um, my middle name is Buchanan, but I go by Bucky".

Olivia: "Oh ok, you have a first name Bucky?"

Bucky: "James."

Olivia: "James. I like it. Suits you" I say as I extend my hand for him to shake, "I'm Olivia. Everyone here just calls me Liv".

He stares at me for a moment, almost like he isn't sure about a simple hand shake. He finally takes my hand gently and actually smiles "it's nice to meet you, Olivia".

Olivia: "So formal, James" I giggle, "well now that we have met, call me Liv. Let me get you another whiskey".

Bucky: "Oh no, it's ok. I closed out my tab.."

Olivia: "I know you did. This one's on me, hun" I tell him and then wink at him. I see a slight blush come to his face and he just nods his head in acceptance. "So, Bucky, what brought you to this place?"

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