They're coming

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Olivia's POV:

I watched Bucky's serene expression, his messy hair falling gracefully across his forehead. His arm was wrapped protectively around me, and for the first time in a long while, I felt truly safe. A source of comfort and stability I hadn't anticipated.

As I lay there, I couldn't help but smile. David was a part of my past, but in this moment, with Bucky beside me, the future held promise and the potential for a love I hadn't expected to find.

Bucky's POV:

I could feel her watching me sleep. I know as soon as I open my eyes, the clock counts down to when she has to go to work. I just want to be with her all the time. I miss her when she's not with me.

Bucky: "good morning creepy", I smile, opening my eyes.

Olivia: " I'm not creepy, it's sweet. I like watching you sleep." She replies, giving me a soft kiss on my cheek. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her into me. "Mmmm good morning. I have the early shift today, so I need to get up and going but I should be done by 8."

Bucky: "ok. Stay here at my place again tonight?" I ask her.

Olivia: "sure" she smiles.

We get up, and get dressed and head out. We moved so in sync, like it's something we have been doing for years. I drop her off at work, grab her and kiss her goodbye, and head back to my house.

I pulled into my driveway, and swung one leg over and stood there for a moment, enjoying the feeling of what must be pure happiness.

As I climbed the steps to the porch, my eyes locked onto a familiar figure sitting in one of the weathered chairs. Steve was there, his face etched with concern. My heart sank as I met Steve's gaze.

"Steve," I said, a mix of surprise and apprehension in my voice. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

Steve stood, his expression serious. "I know you Buck...." He grinned, almost forced. "Look Bucky we need to talk."

Bucky: "They are coming aren't they?"

Steve: "I kept them off of your radar for as long as possible.

Bucky: "How long do I have? Before S.H.I.E.L.D finds me?"

Steve: "2 days, 3 tops" he replied, hanging is head.

The news hit me like a punch to the gut. I had known this day might come, but the reality of it sent a shiver down my spine. I'd fought so hard to escape the clutches of my past, and now it seemed like it was catching up to me.

Bucky: "2 days?! I' not ready, Steve"

Steve gazed at me, and smiled. Steve had been there for a few days, keeping an eye on me, He was trying to keep his distance but he knew he had to warn me. I sensed someone was watching me, but I couldn't be sure it was Steve at the time. "What's her name, Buck?" He asked with a sweet smile.

Bucky: "Olivia" I replied, unable to hide my smile

Steve: "I've been here a few days, I've watched you two. She's beautiful Bucky." Confirmation. At least for now, I know she's safe.

Bucky: "Yea...she is. She's...amazing"

Steve: "Does she know?"

Bucky: "About me? Yes. About S.H.I.E.L.D and them coming for me? I think so. I just...I didn't think it would be so soon..."

Steve: "you need to prepare her, Buck"

Bucky: "I know Steve...I'm just...scared"

Steve: "I know, and I will do everything I can to convince them that you weren' You were being controll...."

Bucky: "Not...about that Steve. Look I should pay for my crimes. Because whether or not I was being controlled...I did it all..."

Steve: "then what is it Bucky?"

Bucky: "her.... I'm scared when they come to get me...She's going to see who I used to be...and I'm going to lose her forever..."

Steve couldn't help but laugh, and all I could do was give him a confused look. "Bucky...I've seen the way she looks at you...that girl loves you. Inside and out. She's not going anywhere"

Bucky: "I hope you're right Steve" I glance down, trying to mentally prepare for what's coming. "I hope you can meet her. You'd like her, Steve"

Steve: "I will get to meet her Buck, I'll see you soon ok?" He responds, shaking my hand and giving me a reassuring head nod before he turns to leave.

I needed a plan. I couldn't let Olivia get caught in the crossfire from this. For now, I busy myself with tasks around the house before I have to pick Olivia up after work, and trying to figure out how I am going to tell the woman I love...I'm about to be taken away for while.

Olivia's POV:

Olivia: "James?" I say, trying to get his attention. He has been off since he picked me up from work. In his own mind. "James? ok?". He finally looks back at me, and gives me a half smile.

Bucky: "Yea, baby."

Olivia: "No....something's up. Cmon...spill it old man" I quip, hoping he will open up. A lot has happened over the last few days, and now im worried he feels it's too much. He takes a breath, and looks at me.

Bucky: ""Olivia," he began, his voice steady but tinged with apprehension, "there's something I need to tell you. SHIELD is getting closer. They're coming after me."

Olivia: "SHIELD? Oh that's long?"

Bucky: "2 days...It's about my past, the things I was forced to do as the Winter Soldier. They want to bring me in, and I can't outrun it any longer."

Olivia: "I don't understand how they can arrest you for things you were forced to do....that just fucked"

Bucky: "It is...but...yes I was forced to do the things I did. But that aside, I did them. S.H.I.E.L.D isn't wrong for coming after me. I...I need to make right what I did wrong"

My fingers tightened around his, and my concern deepened. "What does this mean for us?"

Bucky looked into my eyes, the conflict in his own unmistakable. "I don't know, Liv. But I promise you, I'll do everything I can to protect you. You mean the world to me, and I won't let anything happen to you."

I nodded, I couldn't stop my voice trembling slightly as I replied, "I'm scared, Bucky, I...don't want to see you get hurt...."

Bucky gave me a reassuring smile and pulled me onto his lap. "I'm sitting here worried about you, and you can only think about me?" He laughs

Olivia: "of course....I can handle myself but're old...I don't need you breaking a hip or anything" I attempt as a joke. But I feel the tears forming. I just found him, I don't want to lose him. He reaches up and wipes the tears off my cheek.

Bucky: "Hey....I love you"

Olivia: "I love you"

Bucky: "And I'm gonna fight like hell to get back to you", he leaned in and kissed me gently, "Tu esti totul pentru mine..."

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