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Bucky's POV:

Olivia and I strolled hand in hand through the bustling local market. The vibrant colors of fresh fruits, exotic spices, and handcrafted jewelry surrounded us, creating a lively atmosphere. Vendors called out, trying to entice us with their wares, but we were lost in their own world, knowing any day S.H.I.E.L.D would come for me.

As we browsed, wrapped up in each other, I felt an uneasy twinge, a pit in my stomach. I glanced around discreetly, my eyes narrowing as I noticed two men in suits, earpieces, and unmistakably concealed holstered weapons. Shield agents.

I  subtly hugged Olivia closer, whispering, "We've got company. Two guys, two o'clock, tailing us." My voice was low, but the concern on my face was unmistakable. She knew in that moment.

Bucky: "Baby...I need you to listen to me" I whisper to her as I pull her close, grabbing her face and forcing her to look at me. "It's happening...they're here" I watch as her eyes start to water. She opens her lips to say something but I stop her with a kiss. "What did I promise you?"

Olivia: "that you would fight like hell to get back to me..." she replies quietly, attempting to hold back the tears. "But James...I'm not ready"

I pull her into a tight hug, "I know baby. But this has been a long time coming. I have to do this"

Olivia: "James....I love you" she says as she leans up and kisses me again.

Olivia's POV:

Before I could grasp the extent of the situation, we were surrounded. Men in suits, and SUVs. A man in a metal, well weaponized suit lands in front of us, arms stretched out towards Bucky and weapons drawn.

Yelling. There's so much yelling. They are all screaming at him to get on the ground. Suddenly I feel myself being pulled away from him.

Olivia: "No..No! Take your hands off of me! Bucky!!"

He doesn't even look at me, he keeps his gaze on the metal man in front of him.

Bucky: "liv...."

A man in a red, white and blue suit steps next to Bucky, arms out between Bucky and the rest of the men. The agents to Bucky's right start to grab his arm.

Olivia: "DONT TOUCH HIM! Take your fucking hands off of him!" I scream, trying to move towards him, but I can't. I can't move. I'm being held back but some douchebag in a suit.

Bucky: "Baby...stop"

Rhoadey: "Bucky...."

Bucky: "Rhoadey...."

Rhoadey: "You need to come with us"

Olivia: "LIKE HELL HE DOES! Let him go!!" I scream as I'm fighting against the man holding me back, which makes the rest of them nervous and they all zero their weapons on Bucky and yelling at me to be quiet.

Bucky: "I know...Liv please...stop"

Steve: "Everyone calm down..." the man in the stupid patriotic suit says. Then looks at me, "Olivia....please"

Olivia: "I'm sorry, who the fuck are you?" In that moment, they start to shove Bucky to the ground

Bucky: "Baby...go home...please" he pleads.

Olivia: "Fat fucking chance. I'm not leaving you, James"

Another man in a red metal suit approaches, and stands next to the other iron giant in front of Bucky.

Tony: "Well then...I guess she comes with us" he says, and points to what can only be described as a containment truck. He nods to the agents, and they start pushing me towards the truck.

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