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Dr. Stacey's pov:
I found a camera with the name Peter Parker on it. Confused, I looked through the pictures. Finding ones of me an Spider-Woman. And another of Paisley? In the Spider-Woman costume? I shook my head, scoffing slightly.

Paisley Palmer. Spider-Woman. I'm not the one who's crazy. I thought. They're will be no more introversion no more dullness. Species wide distribution could enhance humanity on an evolutionary scale. "Would you give it away if you could? When you know you could do something. Something extraordinary to these ordinary people." I asked out of the blue. I took one of the syringes out of my pocket. "We can save them!" I stated as I injected the liquid into my bloodstream. I could feel it coursin through my veins. Making everything stronger. "Your not going to ruin my plans Paisley Palmer!" I said, walking away, my body turning to plant mush.

Paisley's pov: I was talking to Peter when my spidey senses went off. I turned along with Peter I see what was going on as people started running away. I sighed. "And I was hoping I could save my web fluid today." "C'mon!" Peter said taking his mask out of his backpack once everyone was behind him. Just then, the plant monster came out of nowhere. I ran towards her, faster and faster until I jumped and webbed her in the face. I my webbing stuck to the ceiling as I swung from it, landing behind her.

I got on her back, grabbing her head as she grabbed my arms, making me fall on my back I ignored the pain as I got up and she slammed me against the lockers, throwing me through them and stealing my backpack. I slid on the ground. "Ow..." I got up as one of her vines lifted me upward. I tried kicking her with my feet. I slipped one if my hands through her hold and swung on it to the ground. "Nowhere to hide Paisley." She growled. I saw my backpack trough the wall and a hand picked it up, throwing it towards me. I grabbed it as she threw me again through the same hole she already made. I took off my clothes, my suit underthem. "Thanks by the way." I told Peter. I heard something thrown then something the lockers next to me blew up. "No problem." I heard, seeing Peter on the ceiling. "Why aren't you helping me Paisley those week bodies of theirs are obsolete I could saw them! All of them." I got deodorant out of my back pack and threw it at her head. She snarled. I jumped onto the ceiling and webbed her face. Then jumped onto her back again. "Stacey your sick your thinking is warped, this is the poison talking. You can stop it all now this isn't you!" She ripped off my webbing and slammed my back into the lockers, making a dent. She swung her claws, surprisingly breaking the metal. I got on the ceiling again. "Let's talk about this for a second!" I said, running on the ceiling as she ran behind me on the ground. One of her vines wrapped itself around my mid section and pulled me down. I got out of it, webbing her hand to the wall next to the fire extinguisher she ripped her hand away and the axe I accidentally stuck her hand to was there. "Dang it!" Why do people even have these anymore? I flipped over multiple times as she swung her hand. "Alright cat got your tongue?" I webbed her face. "Oh! Spider webbed your mouth!" She ripped it off with her free hand, and extended her right arm, almost hit if me with until I grabbed it. She swung it to the left. "Don't." To the right. "Make me." To the left again. "Hurt you!" I said as she threw me through some doors. I still held onto her vine arm as it still moved. "Really wish this mask had a place for puke right about now." I said, throwing it away and getting on my feet. I webbing both sides of the walls as a sling shot and kicked Stacey's chest as I was thrown towards her. She slammed my head onto some glass. "Again. Ow!" I said, my voice muffled. I heard the thwip of a web slinger that wasn't mine as I was dropped on the floor. "Harsh." "Spider-Man." I heard. She got ready to swing when I webbed her hand, pulling it back, just as Peter attached his own webbing to the other side. "Ready?" I asked. "Yup!" "Go!" We cocooned her in a web together, I taking the bottom and him taking the top. We finished somewhere in the middle section as we jumped off, at a him webbing to the ceiling and walls. She slowly got out I the webbing as we all heard the police sirens. "Uh oh. Looks like somebodies plants are turning brown." The wall to the cafeteria broke as I saw what looked like Stan Lee the librarian reading a book at one of the tables, listening to music. A table was thrown at his direction as I caught it with my webs as Peter slid on his side, webbing her feet to the ground. He closed his book and walked away, along with his scraps and out the door as I just missed him as she threw me and Peter across the room. I got up not seeing her at all. "Did you?..." "No. I didnt." Me and Peter looked around for her. Not seeing her anywhere. I heard the rustling of metal and went towards the sound. It was in the teachers bathroom, he seemed to get here through the toilet. I heard the police warning coming from outside, not at all alarmed, seeing a name tag, it read; Dr. Stacey Marie Wendelle.

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