Chap. 4 Throw yourself into your work not despair.

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I walked through the school hallway but I couldn't hear any of them, I was in my own sad world. I got to my locker. I heard Gwen coming down the hall. "Hey Paisley." "Not today Gwen." I said. Any other day then today! I can't deal with that! "Look I just wanted to-" I grabbed her arm pinning it behind her and pushing her into the lockers. "Look your Aunt died I get it! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She said. I let her go and picked up my backpack. Walking away. Peter came up to me. He hugged me but I got out of it and walked to class.

I walked home and saw Dr. Stacey sitting with my Uncle talking. He saw me. "I'll leave you two alone." He said. He walked inside. I sat down across from her. "I heard that your Aunt died. My condolences. I know what your feeling Paisley. But I know what you should do, throw yourself into work and not despair. Look at this." She took out, Paisley?! She had four legs. "Yes she grew back her forth leg. One two three four." She counted to show me. "If this isn't encouragement I don't know what is." I nodded. "Thanks." "Well I have to go. But I'll see you in the lab hopefully." I nodded. Picking up my scooter and going inside.

I went up to my room. The sun was setting and then after a while, it was finally night. They're gonna pay for what they did to my Aunt. I went downstairs. My Uncle was asleep. I pulled over the blanket on him and kissed his cheek. I made sure I had a good look at the picture of the felon before I left. I put my only beanie on. I opened my window and jumped out.

I was walking in the streets. I heard yelling so I followed the voice in an alley way. It looked like the man with jet black hair. I scowled. "Hey! Douchebag! I have to ask do you like beating up girls? Or old woman? Or is it a mix of both?" I asked as I walked closer. "When was the last time you were in queens?" "Get outta here!" He said. I pushed him into the heater behind him. "I asked you a question." He got up and pulled out his gun. "Oh so your just shooting whole families now how bout this?" I asked. Taking his wrist and twisting it making the gun fall out of his hand. I punched him in the face, then did it again, and again I threw him onto the brick wall and he bounced off. I started punching him on the ground but I heard his friend come behind me. One tried hitting my back with a wooden staff but it broke.

I pushed him off with my elbow and kept punching. Someone tried to pull me off him again so I turned back and threw him to. Then I hit the guy behind me. They all started standing up regaining their strength. 6 against one... RUN! I turned around and ran. I jumped on the wall and grabbed onto a pole because someone tried hitting me. I hit the ground running. I climbed onto the fence and jumped across it. They all tried and they did but slowly at least in my opinion.

I laughed at them and kept running. I stepped onto a crate and jumped onto a wall again then I started climbing a pipe I saw. It was going exactly where I needed it to. The roof. To bad there wasn't a fire escape I could climb on. That would make everything easier. Then I jumped to the building in front of the one I was just on, it was taller so I stuck to it and started crawling up it. I jumped up on the roof. I started to catch my breath but then I saw one of them on the roof. I started running again. I jumped down from the roof and saw some of the guys there. "Wrong alley!" . I started running again and then I jumped onto one wall backwards so I could face them and punched one in the face. Then I turned around and climbed up a building. They tried pulling me down but I kicked both of them with my legs. I kept climbing. I got on the top of the roof and saw the guy from before. He tried punching me but I slid under him. "You wouldn't hit a girl would you?" He tried again. "You can't hit a girl can you?" I asked as I sweep kicked his legs and he rolled onto the ledge, only hanging on by his right hand. I grabbed his left hand. And looked at his wrist. Nothing. I sighed. All of that for nothing. I put his hands on the ledge. I turned the other way and saw the guys. I sighed. I turned around and tried to walk away but I fell through an already broken hole. Oh well, I guess I'm gonna die.

I hit something hard yet soft. So I guess I'm not dead. I got up. Cracking my back and neck. "We know what you look like! We saw your face-" "Shut up she kicked our asses!" "Shut up!" I heard some people say. I smiled and looked around. I saw graffiti of some kind masked woman wrestler. Who would graffiti that? Wait masked woman wrestlers are a thing?! She had black eye hole kind of things. And her hair was in a high pony tail and was jet black like mine. I touched my hair. Looking down at it. I let it go and it rested on my shoulder. I bit my lip getting the greatest idea.

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