We wait for our given days and sleep

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«Sunghoon, do you know that staring is a bad habit?»

He just stood there, arms folded, not even blinking.

«Shut the fuck up. You talk too much»

«But I haven't said anything until now»

«Shut up Heeseung!»

He was seriously bothering me now. Who did he think to be to give me fucking orders? I held his gaze, and then he turned.

«Follow me, my mother told me to show you the house»

«Why?» he turned to me.

«Because from next week this house will also be yours!»

I didn't understand what that meant. I was confused, shocked, and annoyed.

«In what sense?»

«Fuck! They didn't tell you anything»

«Then tell me!»

«My mother will marry your father and we'll become stepbrothers»

My jaw almost dropped. Imagine that you are living your life quietly and one day, without anyone telling you anything, you find yourself having to live in a house that is not yours and moreover together with a fucking idiot who is always pissed off. That was my situation. I sighed deeply, it was a terrible day.

«Go ahead with the tour of the house, and move»

On the ground floor there were the kitchen and the living room that made an open space, a small dining room, a bathroom and a space used for laundry. Upstairs were three bedrooms, another bathroom and a storage closet.

«This is my bedroom, this is yours, Heeseung. And there's my mother's»

He opened the door to my room, which was closed, while his was already open. The two rooms were facing each other, specular, with the bathroom in between. With all the space, was it so necessary to put the two rooms like this?

However, I immediately noticed that, mainly, there was a big difference between the two : mine was white and bright and overlooked the well-kept garden, Sunghoon's room was all black and overlooked the street. They both had desks, but in his there was a walk-in closet and an additional personal bathroom, all black too. Let's put a kitchen and we have a mini-apartment. So money was surely not missing here.


- In order to better understand, I thought Hee and Hoon rooms were like that :

- In order to better understand, I thought Hee and Hoon rooms were like that :

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«Well, the tour is over. Now piss off»

Why did he always have to be so rude and aggressive? It's the first time he sees me. What did I do to him to hate me?


«Yes dad»

«Would you like to walk home or are you tired? It won't take long»

«No problem»

Sunghoon and his mother took us to the gate and then it was time to say goodbye. Sunghoon said nothing, except «See you soon, asshole» and then they went into their home.

My father and I were already walking when a boy with coppery brown hair told me «Hello!» making me a bright smile. I greeted him too, smiling shyly. He picked up the mail and went back inside.

So I guess he'll be my new neighbour. I was a bit curious, so I tried to read his parents' names on the intercom. I found out the boy's last name was Kim. I liked him, he was nice, and I bet we'd become good friends.

«Do you like the new house?»

«Oh yes, a lot. The bedrooms are really wonderful. But what will we do with our old house?»

«There are two policemen just moved to the city looking for accommodation that reflects the characteristics of our apartment and, since they were interested, we talked about it. They said they're gonna buy it. If I remember correctly, one of them is Jay and the other Jungwon. They seemed pretty young to me. Oh here we are, we got home»

«I didn't think it was so close, it's only 10 minutes»

«Exactly, that's why it will be easier to move»

«When are you getting married?»

«I will get married next Wednesday, then Thursday we will leave for the honeymoon in Greece and we'll stay there for about a month»

«Oh how beautiful, take me with you pleeease!»

«I'd gladly do it, Heeseung, but try to use this opportunity to get along with Sunghoon. I don't think it's his intention to be bad»

I'll be wrong, but to me it seems the opposite.

«At least try not to kill yourselves while we are away»

«I hope so» we both laughed, we needed it.

«I'm going to sleep, dad, good night!»

«Wait! First do me a favor, bring down the garbage, thank you»

«Yes I'll do it right now»

I put on a sweatshirt, I took the bags and I went and threw them in the bins at the end of the road. As I went back, I saw that there was a hooded boy sitting on the sidewalk while smoking. Although it didn't seem the usual cigarette smell. The moment I walked past him, his tapered fingers, bloody knuckles and thin, bony wrists caught my eye.

He followed me with his eyes, despite not seeing his face. I knew perfectly that he was looking at me. Suddenly he got up, threw away the cigarette, and began to come towards me. I ran into my house and closed the door behind me. I went to my room and looked out the window. Fortunately, he finally was gone. I jumped under the covers and fell into a deep sleep.

When 00:00 Strikes || heehoon (English Ver.)Where stories live. Discover now