I'm My Bully's Mate? WHAT?

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Scarlette Morartti is a girl with too many issues. When she was ten, her dad left and took her big brother with. At age twelve, her mom started beating her. At age 14, she started getting picked on and ebating at school by a guy name Daniel Red. Now, at age 17, not only is her life a mess, but she is too. She's lost and the only thing important to her is getting through the day. Her life's been like this for so long that she doesn't even know the meaning of fun. All she knows is pain.

Daniel Red is a guy with a pretty good life. He's a werewolf, and soon to be Alpha. He has loving parents, a caring sister, and an awesome best friend. He has money and popularity. He has fun each day by picking on others. Now though, as he's turning 18, that means he can finally find his mate. Though, now at school, when he finds his mate, he's shocked. His mate is Scarlette, the girl he's tormented since freshman year.

Now, as he drops into a pitt of self hatred, can he ever make it up to her? He will stop at nothing to get her forgiveness and make it up to her. He will stop at nothing to make her fall for him. But, can she trust him? When she noticeds his change, she figures he's going to do something big and hurt her bad. She's more afraid now then ever. But with his sister's and best friend's help, he just might be able to make her fall in love, and just might be able to help her find erself and get away from her cruel life.

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