I'm My Bully's Mate? WHAT? ~4~

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Chapter 4

Scarlette's P.O.V

When I woke up the next morning, I realized a few things. First, my pillow was moving up and down. Second, my pillow turned out to be a chest. Third, that chest belonged to Daniel. And fouth, it was too early as it was 7am. Thinking back, I remembered last night and I had a big grin on my face. I hadn't felt so open in a long time. I felt a little open with Jessie, but Daniel somehow made me go back a little to my old self. I use to have a stubborn, take crap from no one attitude. But that all changed as I grew older and stuff like being abused and being left behind occurred.

I don't know why Daniel has had a 360 turn in personallity but I'm not going to question it, but enjoy it while it lasts. Maybe it won't end. I yawned and went back too sleep.


Waking up, I heard some shuffling and whispering. One person squeaked,"There so cute! Hurry up and take some pictures." I think it was Jessie?  heard  a faint click! click! click! and then someone else saying,"I got the pictures, let's go before they wake up!" Was that Drew? Oh whatever, I'm too comfortable when I'm at to get up. Anyways, shortly after I heard the faint shutting of a door. After they were gone, I stayed where I was, which I realized was in Daniel's arms before I felt him stir. I didn't open my eyes because I wanted to see what he'd do after he woke up with me in his arms. Wait! When did we go to a bed? I clearly remember falling asleep on the couch.

My thoughts were cut off when I felt him kiss my forehead. It sent the same electrical shocks I get whenever he touches me. It felt so good. I snuggled closer just enjoying the warmth and safety I felt being in his arms, knowing later when I get home, my mother will probably beat me harder for not soming home. Oh well, it was worth getting away for awhile from her psychoness. I heard a faint whisper from Daniel,"If you only knew." What does that mean? Deciding to wake up now, I stirred a little and stretched before opening my eyes and seeing Daniel trying to fake being asleep. Ha! I already did that! i poked his face and he smiled before opening his eyes. He rubbed them and asked,"What time is it?" I looked at the clock and it was 2pm. Dang, we really slept in. I chuckled and turned back to look at Daniel, who was looking at me with an unknown emotion. I replied back cheerfully,"It is 2 in the afternoon." He looked shock and said,"Wow. We really slept in." I nodded and then remembered that Jessie had been in just a little while ago.

I furrowed my eyebrows and laughed saying,"Jessie was in here earlier with I think Drew." He looked confused saying,"What were they doing?" I thought for a second before saying,"Taking pictures of something." His chest rumbled as he let out a low growl. Growl? I giggled and his face lit up. He yawned and my stomach grumbled. He let out a loud chuckle before getting up, while throwing me over his shoulder. "Hey!" I tried protesting before he sang,"Off to get breakfast we go!" I pouted while he carried me down like that. But, I also smiled as I haven't felt like this in years. For some strange reason, I felt safe around Daniel. Even though just the day before yesterday he was bullying me, now it seems like forever ago. Now it was like nothing he did from the past seemed to matter to me. All I know is that he made me feel like someone cared. Like I could maybe start to trust again. And whenever he touched me, and those sparks would shoot through me, it made me feel alive again.

Maybe I could restart my life. I just may need a little help to reboost everything. Jessie is now my new best friend and Daniel is well, I don't know? My other best friend?  I inwardly sighed but as we got into the kitchen, Daniel set me down while I huffed. I saw Jessie and Drew laughing and smiling innocently. I smirked at them and said,"So, I heard some noises earlier. Seems like someone was taking some pictures of something. Would you like to tell what you took pictures of?" I saw Daniel smirk out of the corner of  my eye. I saw both their eyes widen and Jessie snatched the camera I hadn't seen Drew hiding and took off. Smirking, I jumped u up and dashed after her with the guys behind us. She tried loosing me but I had always been a good runner. After about 5 minutes of weaving in and out of hallways, hm, I knew they lived in a mansion but they really had a HUGE one, I had finally cornered her. She cursed under her breath as I pounced on her, stealing away the camera. As Drew appeared, his eyes widened and he tried stealing the camera away. But, then Daniel appeared and I ran, sliding under Drew's legs before standing up and hiding behind Daniel yelling out,"VICTORY IS OURS!" Drew and Jessie both shouted,"NO!" I clicked the camera on before Daniel turned around and we started looking at the pictures they took. It was of me and Daniel sleeping. I was laying snuggled into his chest while his arms were around us, our faces peaceful. He looked so innocent and peaceful there, but also like he was protecting me with his arms wrapped around me.

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