I'm My Bully's Mate? WHAT? ~5~

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Chapter 5

Scarlette's P.O.V

Walking in, my mother was sitting in the living room drinking a beer with a baseball bat beside her. I looked at her horrified as she stood up and quickly flung the bottle at my head. I ducked just in time, and instead it shattered on the wall behind me. I quickly backed up as she screeched,"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU UNGRATEFUL WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH? I BET YOU'VE BEEN WHORING AROUND HAVEN'T YOU? I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THAT! I HATE YOU! YOU MADE THEM LEAVE BY DISGRACING THE FAMILY! IT'S YOU WHO DROVE THEM AWAY!" Tears pricked at my eyes as she talked about my father and brother. It was her fault actually. She cheated on my father. I just wish when my father left, that he would have taken me with him.

Picking up the bat, she started advancing towards me. I just kept backing up untill I couldn't. When she was close enought, she swung the bat. It hit my side, breaking a few ribs. I fell to the ground, clamping my mouth together to hold in the scream of agony trying to break through. Never will I give her the satisfaction of seeing me that weak. But, as she kept swinging, I was silently hoping to just die. After awhile, she threw the bat aside and just started punching and kicking me. I couldn't tell where she was hitting me anymore as all I felt was intense pain. I was in pure agony.

Once she stopped, she was breathing hard. She walked over and got a huge chunk and stumbled back over to me. She took the piece and on the side of my face, she made a large cut from chin, up to my cheek, up to over my eye, and after my eyebrow stopped. I had closed my eye so she didn't hurt my eye like where I couldn't see, but now blood was pouring down my face. But then, as if that wasn't enough, she grabbed my right arm, and slowly from my elbow down to my wrist made another gash. Afterwards, she laughed cynically and walked, well more like stumbled away, leaving me broken.

Besides the gashes, I had more cuts that stung because of the beer that spilled from that bottle had gotten into them. Also, I had to have at least four broken ribs the rest bruised. My left arm had to be broken. The rest of my body was numb and would be so bruised. I was just laying then when finally my vision started to get blurry, and after a few more seconds of agonizing pain, I blacked out.


When I woke up, I couldn't move, when I tried, I had to hold back a blood curling scream that so badly wanted to escape. Tears fell freely down my face, as it twisted in this torture. I've been through worse, but it still hurts so much every time. I gasped as pain shot through my ribs, making me scream a scream that sounded like someone was dying. I felt like it. I stayed as still as I could and just wished that someone would come and save me from this torture. Never going to happen... my mind whispered. It's right, i'm alone. Always have been. And this cruel inhumane torture as never going to end... or was it?

Daniel's P.O.V

Something wasn't right. I could feel it. It was like an itch beneath my skin. All day today at school, my left arm has been feeling this numbness, and my ribs would get little shots of pain. My right arm felt like it was on fire. My body just hurt. What made my day worse was that my beautiful Scarlette wasn't here. My mood today just hasn't been good. I snapped at a teacher who kept blabbing about me needing to listen and then he, and some other students looked frightened as I tried to destroy the window with my death glare.

As soon as the last bell rang, I stormed to my locker and grabbed my things before looking for Jessie. I spotted her at her locker. Walking over there, I said,"Hey Jessie, I'll be walking home today, I need some fresh air." She nodded, knowing that I was on edge for some reason. I wish I just knew what the reason was. I kept my glare on and glared at anybody and everybody who dared to look my way when I'm like this. As I started walking, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and realized after awhile that I wasn't heading home, but towards Scarlette's house. I tried to stop, as it would probably seem creepy if I showed up at her house just because she missed obe day of school, but my body wouldn't let me. As I came closer, there was a weird smell in the air.

I sniffed the air and noticedit was my mates smell, but it was wrong. I sniffed once more before realizing it was her blood that I was smelling. I froze for a split second before running and busting through her door. I walked into the living room, seeing my Scarlette passed out, with a broken beer bottle around her, and her in a pool of blood. My eyes were suddenly blurred by rage. All I could see was red. A growl tore out of my throat. Whoever done this will surely die. Who would try to ever harm my angel doesn't know what the've just done.

I was snapped out of it as I heard a small whimper. For now though, all I need to concentrate on is getting my mate to the pack doctor, and quickly. Picking her up, I gently whispered in her ear,"Don't worry my beautiful mate, you'll be safe soon."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2011 ⏰

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