I'm my Bully's Mate? WHAT? ~3~

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Chapter 3

Scarlette's P.O.V

As we went to the party, I had asked Jessie if we could stop at Daniel's room because I didn't want him to open up my present in front of everyone. She shrugged and showed me his room. After I set it on the bed, I looked around the room. It was kind of messy, but it looked lived in. He had clothes thrown on the floor, along with CD's of bands. He had some band posters on the wall, some that I remember listening to when back when my dad and my brother were still with me. His walls were a dark cue and his cieling and carpet was black. The room had that color themed. It was very sacious in his room too. He had a king size bed, a flat screen TV, what I'm guessing is a bathroom, and also guessing is a walk in closet. He had a couch across from the balcony. If only my room was this big.

I walked out and Jessie laughed and said,"It's about time! I thought you got lost!" I rolled my eye and answered sarcastically,"Oh yeah, I got lost and ate by the evil sock master." She laughed and soon I joined it. When we calmed down, we started heading down towards the party. As we got there, she started looking for Daniel. After she found him, she screamed,"AHA! There he is by Drew!" I looked around the party as she started dragging me with her. I swear this girl likes to drag people. Music was blaring out of some big speakers. People that I've seen from school was there. Not everyone, but like half the school. Hm, not even some of them hang out with Daniel. Weird.

As Jessie was shoving through people, I saw Daniel and Drew look over at us. Daniel looked at me and froze. Oh, and by the way, Drew is Daniel's best friend, but, he was never mean to me. I scanned over Daniel quickly before staring at something else. Daniel was wearing a pair of black jeans and a red button up shirt that had the sleeves rolled up. I swear Jessie somehow made it so we were matching. Why? I have no idea.  As Jessie was talking to Drew, Daniel just stood there frozen staring at me while I was watching Jessie and Drew talk.

Soon though, I got hungry. I want a cookie. I love cookies but I haven't had one in forever as I barely ever get to eat. I looked up and into Daniel's stormy grey eyes. They held so much emotion. Agony, regret, warmth, and some unknown emotions. As I stood there, I just got lost in the depths of his eyes. I then felt like the Daniel I've known all these years isn't who he really is. I felt like I could see who he really is, even though I'm not sure who that really is but all I know is I couldn't look away. Our gazes were locked.

Though, we were soon broken out of the trance when Jessie sighed loudly and exclaimed,"I'M HUNGRY!" I shrugged and told her,"I want a cookie." I saw Daniel smile a goofy grin out of the corner of my eyes. It made me want to smile too.

Daniel's P.O.V

After I heard her say she wanted a cookie, I couldn't help but smile. That is the first time I've her her talk since finding out she was my mate. Her voice was soft and sweet, like an amazing melody. Jessie giggled and replied back to her,"Well, let's go!" Then they both ran off to go get some food. Scarlette is so beautiful, and that dress suits her. As soon as she was out of sight, I dazed off day dreaming about her.

I was snapped out of it when Drew waved his hand in front of my face. I snapped my head up to him and he was pointing towards where my parents were waiting with everyone else to watch me open my presents. He said,"It's time to open up your presents!" I smiled and walked over there and sat down. I started opening them and that's what I did for awhile.


After I had opened my presents and ate some cake, for awhile the party still raged, untillmidnight and then everyone was kicked out and sent home. I was ready for it too, I just wanted to hang out with Drew, Jessie, and my beautiful mate Scarlette. Thinking of her brought a big smile to my face. Hm, I never told my parents about her. Oh well. After I said goodbye to everyone, Drew went to one of the guest rooms that was basically his as he's always over here while I carried my presents up to my room. I had gotten some new clothes, some new CD's, and some other stuff. I didn't expect her too, and i wouldn't want her wasting money on me, but I was a little disappointed that Scarlette hadn't gotten me anything. I sighed as I walked into my room and set my presents on my couch.

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