Chapter 22: New Shanket (part 1)

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*A few months Post Engagement**


"-oh it is."

Minho was just making coffee and getting the girls ready for school and they froze.

"Babe?" He called cautiously, "everything okay?" He heard some indistinguishable yelling and things slamming around in the bedroom. He sighed and shook his head. Chloe and Raegan looked at him with wide eyes. He gave them a small smile.

"All right girls ..buckle up, it's gonna be a bumpy week." Minho whispered to them.

They both pretended to zip their lips and throw away the key. Alex stomped into the room. Minho eyed her up for a moment then poured her an even bigger cup of coffee than normal and handed it over.

"I'll stop at Fry's and get some extra bacon and cookies later on my way home." He said with a knowing smile as he kissed her cheek.

Alex flopped into a chair with a groan and let her head hit the table. Minho sat down beside her and rubbed her back.

"That bad?"

"Your shucken lucky you were born a dude. Being a girl sucks. Sorry day you'll understand...but ya. That bad." She whined, and groaned again.

"I can only imagine. I guess I'm in for a wild ride...three of ya in one house." Minho chuckled to himself. He stood up and kissed her head.

Alex just groaned again, not bothering to lift her head.

"Okay, babe, I'll drop the girls off at school first and see you at Fry's in a bit. Don't stab anyone!"

"No promises!" She mumbled into the table top.

"You are an absolutely beautiful murderus little creature. I love so shucken much." Minho chuckled as he pulled her up from the chair and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

She smiled up at him, "it's a gift." He kissed her forehead and hummed.

"I'll see you soon." She grumbled.

"Later Sunshine." Minho kissed her one last time. Picked up Raegan and followed Chloe out the door.

"Your Sunshine is feeling like a murderus thundercloud today ..." Alex muttered to herself.


Alex slouched over to the table with their friends and slid onto the bench with a groan and layed her head onto Minho's shoulder.

"You made it." He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her, pulling her closer.

"Good morning!" Newt said brightly as he sat down opposite them with Simon beside him.

"Says who?" Alex snapped.

"Jeeze. What's your bloody problem?" Newt asked, digging into his breakfast.

"I'm CRANKY, Newt. I'm bloody CRANKY." She snapped and glared at him.

Newt froze, his fork half way to his mouth. Alex didn't even blink.

"No..? Too soon?" She asked.

She heard a few snickers and coughs down the table.

"Shuck sakes Alex. That was just mean! Just because you're on your bloody period!" Newt huffed.

Simon patted Newt's back in sympathy, but the corner of his lip twitched. Alex slowly lowered her coffee cup, her eyes narrowed dangerously. She let a small growl from the back of her throat out. Minho rubbed small circles on her lower back trying to help her calm down.

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