Chapter 5: Don't You Fucking Dare!

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Dixie's POV:

No one said a word after that. The silence was actually deafening. Noah's Kingdom was quite faraway though so I had to suffer with that for around like two hours. But then we finally got there.

"Thomas will have our room ready." He growled. I nodded. "I would like a thank you." He retorted. "Th-thank you." I stuttered. We got out of the Car and I looked up at the Kingdom. Yes, it was an actual Kingdom, not even just a Palace. I thought my Father's Palace was big.

We went into the actual Palace and there was a Woman standing at the Counter. She came over to us when she noticed we were there. "Mama I told you to stay in bed." Noah said. "I'm sorry Baby, but it's just so boring just laying in there. I promise, I feel fine." She said kissing Noah on the cheek.

Then she turned to me and cupped my face and gave me a big kiss too like I was her daughter. "Oh Noah! She's even more beautiful in person!" She exclaimed. I smiled big. "Thank you." I said softly but shyly.

"I'm Amy sweetheart. You can call me that or Mom." She said. I felt so touched. I smiled again. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. "Where's Father?" Noah asked. The word Father made me get shivers and brought me all the way back to the ground again.

"In his Office. Like always, surprise surprise." She replied while rolling her eyes. Just then a man with a pot - belly came out of a room. He just looked like he was a bad person, and trust me, I never judge people, but you got such a cold feeling off of him.

"Noah!" He said in a cheery yet slurpy voice. He stepped closer to us and I could smell the scent of alcohol on him which brought back such bad memories of my Father. Amy brought over a pot filled with Mac and Cheese and on four plates there was served steak.

"Come sit down on the table Beautiful." Amy said to me. I sat down beside Amy and Noah and Tim sat at the heads of the tables. "So Noah, who's your friend?" Noah's Father asked pointing to me while cutting his steak.

"She's my Wife. You should know as your the one who even made her my Wife." Noah said rolling his eyes. I could tell he didn't like his Father a bit, not the way he loved his Mother. I could also tell that he was forced into all this marriage stuff too. That makes the two of us I guess.

"That's no way to speak Noah, especially with a Guest at the table." Noah's Father replied trying to wind him up. "Shut the fuck up!" Noah yelled and he shot up off the table. Noah's Father just laughed evilly.

"Doesn't know how to take a joke." He said to me expecting for me to laugh along. "I think he has a right to be angry." I said quietly. His eyes shot up at me. "Oh dear, I might need to phone home to your Father and ask him how he got you to keep your mouth shut. He said.

I got so nervous. "Or even better, let's take you down to the basement! Perfect! Come on!" He said while getting up from his seat and trying to pull my arm. Oh no! I knew exactly what happened in the basement. He pulled me up and tried taking me down.

Amy tried to stop him but she couldn't do anything. By some miracle, Noah happened to be coming down from the stairs at the time and his eyes widened when he saw what his Father was doing to me.

"How the fuck dare you!" He yelled at his Father. "Well Noah she talked back saying that you had a right to be mad. Isn't that so rude? Of course I'm going to have to teach her a lesson by fucking her in the Basement." He replied.

"Of course not! How dare you?! In case you've forgotten, she's my Wife. I get to decide what she does and what happens. Not you, and you fucking her in the Basement is definitely not what I want her to do and it is definitely not what happens." He replied standing up for me.

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