Luci's pov
My memories of late night are most definitely blurry, yet the one thing I wished to forget has been sat at the front of my brain since the moment I woke up.
Even more embarrassingly, I still need to go back to the track today and see everyone after making such a fool out of myself.
Once my eyes finally got used to the bright sun that was rudely entering my room from my curtains, I turned to pick up my phone - in hopes that I had received some kind of message explaining what on earth went wrong last night.
I groaned in annoyance which seemed to wake up Olive who, without my knowledge, was also laid on my bed.
"What's got you complaining so early in the morning?" Olive questioned sounding annoyed already.
"I still have no idea what happened last night and no one had texted me to say anything." I reply, equally as annoyed.
"Everyone was off their face. No one will remember. You'll be fine."
"I won't!" I retaliated, defensive. "Charles didn't drink. He was stone cold sober. He would've remembered everything." The realisation only sent me further into my pit of embarrassment.
"Oh...yeah" Olive didn't seem sure what else to say.
I groaned again as got up out of my bed, knowing I really should get ready for work and at least attempt to take my mind off the situation.
At that moment, I heard my phone buzz. As quickly as I could, I grabbed it from its charger on the table beside my bed and read the message on the screen.
It was Charles.
Hi Luci, I hope you're not feeling too bad after last night. I'd really like to talk at some point today if you're free at all. Let me know if/when you think you can. Thanks, C
I stared at my phone, shocked. Is this serious? Did I really do something bad?
"Luc...?" Olive questioned, breaking my eyes away from my phone screen to look at her.
I turned to screen around to show her - causing her to pull the same shocked expression as I did.
"Shit Luc what did you do?"
I really didn't think I did anything, but what do I even remember?
After I had eventually responded to Charles' text with a simple 'sounds great. Will text you soon.'
I quickly got myself ready to go to the track and Olive and I hopped in her car so I decided it would be best to respond to Charles now... again.'Hey Charles, I'm on the way now. Should be there in 10. Would you be able to talk then?'
Just seconds later Charles replied.
'Sounds great.'
Something really felt off, I really don't know what to expect...
-Authors Note-
I am so sorry this chapter is so short and a bit crappy 😭 I've been ill but I really wanted to get a chapter out so bare with this one!!
Nevertheless, I really hope you somewhat enjoyed this and next will be Charles' pov of this morning
On another note, Monza went pretty well!! Was excited for Carlos' first podium of the season and icl Charles and Carlos battling at the end STRESSED me out 😭.
Love you lots,
Bels xo

CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT | Charles Leclerc
Romance"I wished I could just stay there forever. Looking at her. All of her." When Luciena Ramirez and Charles Leclerc first meet, they instantly notice a connection, but how will Luci cope with finding love with someone constantly under the cameras? Will...