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>>"That was my anniversary date," Seonghwa said with a frown.

Hongjoong frowned, "with who? Ashley?"

Seonghwa turned to him, nodding his head.

"18th of May 2017.... that was our anniversary. But....it's a bit of a reach isn't it?" He asked Soonyoung, hoping to receive an agreement.

Soonyoung shook his head," sadly no. Everyone is a suspect is at this point,Hwa. Did you break up on a bad term or a good one?"

Hongjoong scoffed," she kept coming here even after they broke up, demanding to see him. You tell me," He said.

Soonyoung nodded, getting the hint," alright we're gonna need some info about her if that's the case. Do you still have her phone number?"

Seonghwa nodded, taking out his phone.Handing it to Soonyoung. The man immediately writing it down.

"Do you know where she lives?" His partner asked.

"Yeah, he lives with his parents down in Parkway. The first house in the neighbourhood," he explained while the two men wrote down every single thing he said.

"Where does she work?," Soonyoung asked.

"I don't know about now since it's been a few years but back then she worked at a daycare, what was it again? Ah! Sunshine Days, yeah that one. Then we broke up and I think she quit? Cause I never saw or heard anything from her. Bit weird cause I go pass that daycare a lot " Seonghwa said,

Soonyoung froze.

"Sunshine Days?" He asked.

Seonghwa nodded,"why? Is there something wrong?"

Soonyoung locked eyes with his partner. Nodding he turned back to Seonghwa.

"Jisoo was sent there back then. The same year he was taken." Soonyoung explained. Seonghwa's heart stopped, his eyes turning frantically at Hongjoong.

"Sunshine Days were not a daycare. It was filled to the brim with human traffickers. It was closed down after the case closed and the suspects were sentenced," Minho explained.

Seonghwa took a breath, "Each and every one of them? They're in jail?"

Soonyoung nodded,"Well now except one that ran away. And we never really knew the extent of the members of that group. We caught 20 but rumors had it that there were more. But after the sentence was done, we hit a dead end."

Hongjoong rub his face in frustration."so she didn't quit? She was arrested? Is that what you were saying?"

"If she matches the person we caught then yeah pretty much.." Minho explained carefully.

Seonghwa fell back into the couch.
"I was dating a fucking criminal? Not any human but children ?"

Hongjoong scowled,"Told you she was bad news," making Seonghwa rolled his eyes.

"Okay don't get ahead of yourself there, We don't even know if they're the same person. Do you have any pictures of her? I bet you don't anymore" Soonyoung said.

Seonghwa sighed,"Yeah Hongjoong deleted them right away."

Seonghwa raked his brain, thinking where he could possibly get his ex's pixture.It's been years since he even thought about his past love life.

His eye lit up when he remembered something. "Oh my god, my picture frame. Please tell me you didn't throw it out Hongjoong" he said rushingly, facing Hongjoong.

The said man frowned, "what frame?"

Seonghwa shot up and ran to his room. Reaching deep into his drawers. He gasped when his fingers hit something hard and familiar. He pulled it out.

A frame filled with his and Ashley's picture. He had hid it back then, hoping Hongjoong won't find it and throw it away like he did with his other stuff. He hadn't quite moved on yet back then.

He ran back into the living room, shoving the frame into Soonyoung's hand. Soonyoung's eyes went wide.

"What did you say her name was?" Soonyoung asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ashley, Ashley Kim." He said.

Soonyoung shook his head. "That. That is Lucy Ambers. That is  Mama " he breathes out, receiving a nod from his partner.

"Minho, contact the team leader. We have to move. If she is bold enough to send a video marked with her past anniversary date, who knows what she will do next,"  Soonyoung ordered, receiving an okay from his partner.

Seonghwa mouth's dropped."What? Lucy Ambers? The one that got away from the prison?"

Soonyoung nodded.

"How? I don't think they look that much alike" Seonghwa continued.

Soonyoung nodded,"The picture is a carbon copy of her mugshot Hwa, just different hair, different time. A dead giveaway is her scar. "

Seonghwa looked at the picture again. Noticing a  scar on her forehead. He gasoed when he saw it. Ashley always had bangs when they were dating. He guessed that was why he never noticed. The picture however, had her bangs slightly move to the side as she glued her cheeks to Seonghwa.

"Okay put that thing away before I throw up," Seonghwa said. Feeling disgusted that he was that close to his children's abducter.

"God what did I ever do to her? I gave her everything she wanted and this is how she pay me? What a fucking joke," Seonghwa said.

Hongjoong sighed, "What she did was her choice. Nothing of it had to do with you. She's probably still fucking mad you broke up with her over the phone."

"Yeah but kidnapping? She got out of prison and went straight back to it? "

Hongjoong chuckled dryly,"She's clearly a psycho and insane. I told you that remember? You were just blindly in love that you never saw it"

Seonghwa shoved his shoulder softly,"I was not."

Hongjoong shrugged.

"Alright we'll catch up with you guys tomorrow. We have to run to the station now. Don't keep your hopes too high and Hongjoong don't respond to the email. In the video, at the end of it, there was a message.it said  'Come get him' . Clearly she wants either both of you in front of her. We are not risking that though. Try and get some sleep. We'll our best to track her down." Soonyoung explained quickly after chevking his phone.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa noddes, getting up and seeing the two men off. They got back inside the house. Locking the door. Retreating to the bedroom, Seonghwa sighed in contentment when he saw the three boys sleeping soundly on the bed. He crawles behind Wooyoung, slipping into the bed. Granted it was King-sized. Wooyoung stirred and turned to him. Opening his eyes a little,
"Mommy" he whined.

Seonghwa pat his stomach softly, "back to sleep honey, it's okay, I'm here." He whispered. Wooyoung fell right back to sleep after hearing his voice. He snuggled up to Seonghwa's chest, breathing in the mna's scent.

Hongjoong closed the bathroom door slowly, not wanting to startle anyone. He slid into the bed behind Jongho. Who had his mouth fell opem a little and his small blanket clutched in his fist. He left a peck on his nose and locked eyes with Seonghwa.

"Rest, Hwa" he said.

"You too" he replied.

They both ended up awake the whole night.


{As always don't forget to share your thoughts♡}

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