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>> it's been exactly One week and one day passed after the traumatizing incident. The other boys learned about it and immediately became way too protective over Jongho. When I said way too protective, I mean overprotective.

"Jongho!! No!!" San ran and grabbed the boy's hand from opening the half closed door that Hongjoong left when he went out to throw the trash.

Jongho pulled his hand away and ran to Seonghwa. He climbed onto the man's lap. Seonghwa, that was typing an email got startled but managed to hold the boy properly.

"Your brother's bothering you again baby?" He asked while fixing Jongho's soft locks.

Jongho just snuggled into his chest and whined.

Seonghwa chuckled. "I'm sorry,love. They're just worried"

The doorbell rang and the door bursts open, An excited wooyoung ran towards him and pulled his hand.

"Come on mommy!! Jihoon's here!!"

"Okay, okay, slow down, you're gonna fall." Seonghwa said.

Stepping into the living room, he saw his friends and their kids already running around, playing with everyone. Jongho his his face in Seonghwa's neck and whine. Everyone's eyes were on him the second he walked in.

"Jongho? what's wrong?"


Seonghwa pulled Jongho away a little and looked behind his head. He pat it a little and Jongho jerked away. "mommy no..." He whined again. "Alright let's get some ice yeah?" He gave a smile to the others and went into the kitchen to get a small ice pack.

"So, how are you guys doing? " Seungcheol asked Hongjoong that was currently getting his hair pulled by Mingi. Hongjoong winced and pinched the boy's thigh playfully. Mingi giggled and ran to Jisoo, He sighed.

"Yeah we're okay I guess, the boys are a little overprotective right now, Jongho can't even sit properly without one of them fussing over him,"

The others chuckled and went silent again as Seonghwa walked into the room. He went and sat down besides Jeonghan while holding onto the ice pack on Jongho's head. Jeonghan cooed and offered to take Jongho from Seonghwa.Jongho stared at Jeonghan for a second before crawling into his arms. Seonghwa let him go.

"Well, I made a report about this but as you already knew, we can't make it areport about kidnapping because he was just gone for almost an hour. But, with the evidence in the room, and the kids saying they saw thsis clown man, the police, my team, decided to keep an eye on everyone here. So, I suggest you get security cameras in each of the kids room and everywhere in the house.We'll call from time to time to check up on you guys is that okay?" Soonyoung spoke up, breaking the silence in the room.

Hongjoong nodded " alright we got it. we'll get them as soon as possible."

"Actually, I have a question...that day when a man tried to get close to Jongho with candy... Mingyu saved them and said it happened once with Jisoo? what happened? And all of you looks very anxious when the kids screamed that night. Have something like this happened to them before?" Seonghwa asked.

They exchanged glances while Wonwoo unconciously grip Mingyu's hand tighter.

"I was kidnapped three years ago Uncle Hwa, " A voice suddenly spoke from behind, They turned around and saw Jisoo holding a glass of water and drinking them.

"Me and Hansol were playing, they came and tried to take both of us but Hansol got away and ran. I couldn't so they took me."

Seonghwa jaw dropped and pulled Jisoo closer, "you're way to calm for telling me this, are you okay sweetie?"

Jisoo smiled, "I'm fine! Uncle Soonyoung and his team found me! I'm okay now, but it was scary....being alone and mom and dad wasn't there... it was.. cold...and dark.."

"Okay that's enough, Thank you for telling me, dear. " Seonghwa patted his head and he ran to Wonwoo. Wonwoo embraced him and pat his back.

"I'm sorry for making him remember that"

Mingyu shook his head, "It's okay, he got scared for a while but it's okay, he's getting better, We were planning to tell you anyways. We just... not sure if it's the right time"

Seonghwa nodded and watched Wonwoo whispering into Jisoo's ear.He smiled.

"And the person that kidnapped him? did you caught them?" Hongjoong asked Soonyoung.

He sighed, "yes. We did. There's a reason why my chief and my team decided to watch your move closely, Three years ago we captured a man and a woman, that abducted kids and brainwash them to make the kids theirs. It wasn't only Jisoo, we found four other kids with Jisoo. All of them were fully brainwashed except for Jisoo. "

He took a deep breath. "The reason is... they got out. They broke out from prison a year ago. We didn't have any trace of them since then but we've been keeping an eye on the situation. The case that was closed was opened again. They didn't make a move for a whole year. We aren't sure if it's them that night but we decided to believe it's them for the time being, So like I said, be cautious and this goes to all of you, okay? and if anything happens again, call me immediately." Soonyoung explained further.

The room went silent as everyone nodded to Sooyoung's word.

"Have the police informed the public about this?"

Soonyoung nodded "Yeah, tonight."



"MOMMY!!!!!!!! " a loud scream echoed through the house. Minghao, recognizing his son's voice, ran upstairs where the kids were. Everyone except Jeonghan that was holding a sleeping Jongho shot up and followed him seconds later.

"Seungkwan?!" He opened the door.

The situation was way too familiar. The kids were standing against the wall, holding hands and hiding while looking through the window.

Seungkwan ran to Minghao and hugged him,

Sooyoung walked to San that was close to the window. The window was closed, thankfully. Mingyu immediately did a headcount of the kids.

"Sannie? What happened? Did you see anything?"

San didn't take his eyes off the window. He raised his hand shakily and pointed out. Soonyoung followed his finger and looked outside.

A person wearing black from top to bottom wearing a clown mask was looking straight at them. Soonyoung stood up and pulled San behind him and closed the curtains while pulling his phone out contacting his team. He looked through the small opening and saw the man running away. He crouched down again and pat San's head and hugging him while talking into the phone. He turned to the others and told them to leave the room. He carried San up and walked out of the room.

Why now?<<

{HELLO MY DEAR LOVELIES AND SWEETHEARTS!!!!!!!! you've waited very long for this T-T I'm terribly sorry T-T.

You guys are way too sweet I can't handle this, Your comments made my day so much and helped me got here to write a new chapter again, I'm so sorry for being gone just like that. I lost motivation for so long I hate writer's block T-T.

How are you guys doing? I'm perfectly good here!, Holiday started!

Stay safe and clean everyone! Wear your masks and stay inside if you can, I love you guys! <3

See you on the next chapter!!!}

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