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"Hwa." Hongjoong called.

Seonghwa hummed as he pat Jongho's back softly, watching the boy sleep.

"Let's go," Hongjoong said slowly, Seonghwa's hand stopped, he turned to Hongjoong. The man gave a weak smile in return. Seonghwa leaned down and kissed the boy's head, Memorizing each and every feature of the little guy.

"I love you", he whispered before getting up and following Hongjoong. He glanced into the other kids' room  for a moment and walled silently with his head hanging down.

Walking into the living room seems traumatizing to him now. So much had happened right in this spot that makes him itch to change everything about it. Maybe moving would be nice..

"Hey," Soonyoung greeted with a small smile.

Seonghwa returned the smile weakly as he sat down. Hongjoong settled besides him, patting his thigh.

"So?" He asked, impatiently, causing Hongjoong to squeeze his thigh in silent warning. Seonghwa muttered a low sorry to the men.

Soonyoung glanced at Minho,

"We found their base. It's exactly where she told you. We have a gameplan, but I don't think you will like it..." Soonyoung trailed off, looking at Hongjoong by the end of his sentence.

Hongjoong sighed. "You want to use Seonghwa. That's it?" He asked.

Minho sighed, "that is probably our only chance right now, and we got...intel that... They might be hosting a... um.. sales night,tonight.."

Seonghwa frowned," sales night?"

Soonyoung gulped, " All kids. Discounted" He whispered with his head hanging low in shame for spouting the fact. Seonghwa's breath hitched, he could feel his own heartbeat getting louder.

"Why are we here still? Spit out what you want me to do and I'll do it." Seonghwa said, Soonyoung and Minho looked at each other before nodding.


"Hey, yunho,wake up sweetie."  Liam patted the boy's head. Yunho woke up, trashing his arms, accidentaly hitting the man straight on the face.

"Ouch," Liam said jokingly, Yunho finally opened his eyes when he heard that. He cupped the man's cheek and apologized softly. Liam smiled and ruffled his hair.

"We gotta go,we can't stay here" Liam said and carried Yunho into his arms.

"Where are we going?" Yunho asked, grabbing the man's jacket to stabilize himself as Liam gave him a smile and walked quickly yet slowly as to not attract attention.

"Yeosang?" Aiden called out. The boy whined and hid his face in the pillow, knowing exactly what time it was.

Aiden let out shaky breaths, "I'm sorry baby, We can't make her mad again..."

Yeosang's tears fell down immediately as he sat up and looked at the man silently. Aiden wiped away his tears.

"Are you hungry?" He asked softly, hating how broken the little kid is. Knowing he's one of the reason now did not make it better.

Yeosang shook his head,

"Wanna take a shower?"

He shook his head again.

"Okay, do you want some water at least?"

A nod.

Aiden smiled and opened a small water bottle besides him and gave it to Yeosang. Yeosang reach his hand out to grab it but he did not realize his arms were out of strength causing him to drop it, which caused both of them to yelped in surprise. Aiden immediately picked the bottle up and set it down on the nightstand.

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