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I woke up after only a few minutes of sleep. I quickly got dressed for the day, wearing a nice outfit, feeling good about myself. It had been a while since I had felt this way, more than a while.

I picked up my backpack that held a few things and then picked up things like my phone, one of my jackets, a few other things and headed downstairs, shoes in hand.
I was very exhausted from everything that happened last night so I had planned to just get a coffee and go.

"Morning, sweetheart." Pepper says from the table, causing me to jump.

She and Morgan had already started eating breakfast, they made french toast sticks which looked and smelled amazing.

"Morning, Pep." I say and walked over kissing Morgan's cheek. "Morning mongoose."

"You're dressed up today." She says.

"Yeah." I replied and sat down. "So, I'm gonna be going soon, you'll keep mom company right?"

"I promise." She held out her pinky. "You promise to come back?"

"I swear it on my life." I take her pinky in mine and we kiss our hands. "I should go now."

"Breakfast." Pepper says with a warning tone.

I placed two pieces of french toast on my plate and smiled, showing her that I was going to eat. "I promise to call through IVAA and Morgan you can call me when you feel like it. I might not answer but I'll call you back."
She smiled and nodded. "I also left a schedule for the plants and everything so you won't be produce-less while I'm gone." I tell Pepper. "Oh and I made sure to tell IVAA to call uncle Rhodey if anything happens and I can't come but I will come."

"Amelia, eat." Pepper tells me.

I started eating and talking to them, I was a bit paranoid having to leave them alone for the first time in a while but as we had breakfast I knew they would be perfectly fine.
I finished eating, downing back a glass of orange juice as I caught a glimpse of the time, running late for what I had planned this morning.

"Okay, I have to go." I say, setting my dishes in the sink to rinse off.
Morgan runs over to hug me, I hug her back tightly. "I love you, Mongoose."

"I love you too, Meli." She says and I let her go, ruffling her hair. "Bring me back something?"

"If you're good." I kiss her forehead again let go of her, grabbing all my stuff as I headed towards the door.

Pepper follows me, handing me my latte. "Drive safely, okay?"

"I will." I tell her and hug her. "Thanks for everything Pepper. I'll call you when I can and I'll try to not give you a heart attack."

She chuckles. "You're Tony's daughter, I don't think that's even possible from you."

"Bye, Pepper."

"Bye, Sweetheart."

I walked out of the house, shutting the door right behind me. I inhaled deeply to take in the forest around us, still taking a moment to soak in my last moments home for the time being.
Unsure if I would really be gone for too long or if I would get too homesick and come back every moment I could.

"This is it, Mel." I whispered and walked towards my car. "Yep, that anxiety is definitely kicking in."

I told myself this was something dad would do, correction, has done. But also thinking about how this was something that mom would never do.

It reminded me of when dad went and called out the Mandarin which wasn't one of his best or brightest ideas. In fact, I had thought of this more than he thought about that, way back when.
I was headed to the area that I had sent out for reporters. There was a full crowd. I sent them this location because I didn't want anyone to know where Pepper and Morgan were, they didn't deserve what was going to happen, especially Pepper.

I pulled up to the location, Valdez BioTech the New York building. There were news cars, people who held cameras, microphones, recorders, and notepads. They quickly surrounded my car but gave me enough space to open my door and step out, which I did but stayed behind my open car door. As soon as I got out, they all started the questioning.

"Are you going to be the next Iron Man?" "Do you have your own Iron suit?" "What will be your hero alias?"

"What are you planning for Stark Industries?" "Will you fully be taking over the business?" "Is Pepper going to keep the company?"

"Are you taking over BioTech Industries?" "Is it true your mother worked for S.H.I.E.L.D." "Does that mean she was Viper?" "Are you a hero too?"

"How do you feel about John Walker?" "Will you ever tell us the truth about Steve Rogers?" "How do you feel about the shield being given away? Did they even tell you they were giving it away?"

"Hey!" I shouted and they all got quiet. "Thank you. Now remember I called you all here, so please listen. I only have two topics I will be talking about and I'll only say it once."
They all hung onto my words. "John Walker. He is not Captain America. I fully understand that the world is scared for their future but it is so disrespectful for you to take that name so lightly, put someone in a suit, and give them a shield. Steve Rogers is Captain America and Captain America is Steve Rogers, not some new white guy that you think just because he has guts can live up to that. You need heart.
Steve had that. But he is no longer with us and the sooner we accept that, the sooner we will heal and move on." I look at them.

I had this all planned because I had to get John Walker off the media as Captain America. "You're scared, you want to find comfort in a hero but this is not the way to do it, not only is it disrespectful to Steve but it's disrespectful to Sam Wilson. No one told him that they had planned to give it away after he trusted them to display it in hopes that it will be seen as a memoir to Captain America. It's also very disrespectful to the Stark family. My grandfather built that shield for Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers gave the shield to who he and I thought deserved it. I'm upset that someone lied to the people who cared personally about Steve. It's insulting to say the least."

   "We don't need a new Iron Man or a new Captain America, stop trying to replace them like they weren't real people. We have other heroes who are more than willing to do the work and protect the world, heroes like The Falcon, Spider Man, Ant-man, and so many others."
I paused. "With that, I want to make an announcement." I grew flowers and vines around me. "I am Ivy Void and I am more than willing to get that shield back from the people who don't deserve it in order to protect the citizens of not only America but the world because Captain America is bigger than that. I assure you that I will do whatever it takes." I smirked at their stunned looks. "Thank you."

An uproar started as I slipped back into my car and closed the door. They all moved out of the way as I sped off. I still had the smirk on my face, feeling proud of myself, adrenaline pumped through my veins. I rolled down the windows and turned up the music, feeling freedom wash over me.
   I glanced at my phone as it blew up from Pepper, Peter, Sam, and even Happy who was calling me. I told IVAA to turn my phone off as she told me that I was all over the media.

   "Can you believe it?" A reporter asked. "Amelia Valdez.. Tony Stark's daughter is Ivy Void."

   "That's Iron Man's daughter."

   "You mean Tony Stark's daughter."

   "I always knew it was her."

   I was satisfied with the outcome, now John Walker was out of the light for the time being.
Now to meet with Sam.

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