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   I had showered for the night and talked more to Morgan, while I was in my PD. She was very happy talking to me, which calmed my nerves down a bit.
I had been nervous at the thought of Zemo, not only that but angry with him for so much more. It was like that anger never went away, though I don't see why it would, all that we went through during that time was because of him. But I could also see his side... not in the same way, at least I understood that he was going through something by losing his family.

I sighed deeply many times as I had a battle in my head for why I felt so angry and sad at the same time just at the thought of Zemo. I looked to Bucky, sure that if it was effecting anyone, it was him. He definitely didn't let it show.

"You don't have to come in." Bucky said as we sat outside the prison. "You can become reckless at time."

"I'm not the one who was hypnotized to kill."

"Okay, okay!" Sam cuts in. "We're all going in."

Bucky and I glared at each other before he took the first step towards the prison, Sam and I followed catching up.
We got in and after some talking a guard agreed to let us go see Zemo.

   "He's just through that corridor." The guard told us.

   "All right, give us a minute." Bucky told him.

   The guard nodded and walked over to the door, giving us some space for a second, Bucky turned to us.

   "I'm gonna go in alone."

   "Why?" Sam asks.

   "Because you're both Avengers." He told us. "You know how he feels about that."

   "Not like you two were known for frolickin' in the sun together." I say with an eye roll.

   "He was obsessed with HYDRA. We have a history together. Trust me. I got it." Sam and I share a look as he walks away.

   "I don't trust him." I walk over to lean on the wall.

   "This about Tony?" He asks and I look at him. "How come you forgave Steve but not Bucky."

   "Steve apologized, Cyborg in there didn't. He ran away, and look, we're both here and nothing." I look up. "I know it wasn't all his fault but still... he hurt.. him which also hurt me. I guess seeing Tony like that, then losing him, just makes it 100 times worse."

   He leans next to me. "You're still caught up on that."

"Yes, Sam."

"You wanna beat him up?" I look a bit ashamed. "Yeah.. me too."

   We waited in silence after that, until Bucky finally came out and when we asked what he got, he didn't answer us so we just followed him all the way down to the garage of the prison.
   This was when Bucky began to tell us about what he wanted us to do with Zemo.

   "What are you talking about?" Sam asks as we look around with flashlights. "You wanna break Zemo outta jail?"

   "Where the hell are we?" I asked.

   "Bucky, have you lost your mind?!"

   "We have no leads, no moves, nothing." Bucky says.

   "What we have is one of the most dangerous men in the world behind bars." Sam tells him.

   "And we also have eight Super soldiers that are loose." He shined the light back at us.

   "Zemo's gonna mess with your minds." I say. "Especially yours, Bucky."

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