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Sahrah found herself suddenly inside the grand palace of the Heaven God, Hyunjin, in the training area. Her presence didn't go unnoticed as she watched Shirona, a skilled swordswoman and Hyunjin's close friend, practicing her techniques.

Shirona, a strong and sometimes arrogant woman, didn't take kindly to Sahrah's arrival. She asked in a defensive tone, "Who are you, and why are you here?"

Sahrah, feeling nervous, explained, "I'm new here and didn't know this place was off-limits. I came through a portal."

Shirona remained stern, "We don't welcome strangers without a good reason." Without warning, she attacked Sahrah with her sword, but Sahrah used a talisman to disappear, escaping Shirona's attack.

Outside the palace, Sahrah met Afana, a kind and welcoming woman who noticed her distress.

Afana, with a warm smile, asked, "You seem lost. What brings you to Astraka?"

Sahrah, relieved to find help, shared her story. "I arrived through a portal and ended up in the palace. Shirona tried to attack me."

Afana, understanding the situation, said, "Shirona can be protective. You're safe here with me. I'm Afana, and you're welcome in my home."

Sahrah felt grateful for Afana's kindness as she settled into her new surroundings, her thoughts filled with questions about Astraka and its mysterious ruler, Hyunjin.
Afana indeed ran a small fruit shop in Astraka, and she was a kind-hearted single woman. She welcomed Sahrah into her home, offering food and a place to stay. Sahrah, although guarded about her origins, appreciated Afana's warmth and hospitality.

Afana, sensing Sahrah's need for a friend, shared stories about her life and family. They quickly formed a strong bond, and Afana began to see Sahrah as a little sister.

One day, Afana had to attend to an important matter and entrusted the responsibility of the shop to Sahrah. Sahrah, resourceful and clever, used her magical talismans to double the fruit supply and employed some techniques to create special blessing notes for customers. Business thrived, and Sahrah managed the shop admirably.

As evening approached, Sahrah prepared fruit salads and juice for the closing hours. Afana had cautioned her not to open the door for strangers, but when Sahrah heard a knock, she cautiously opened it. A drunken man inquired about Afana's whereabouts. Sahrah firmly stated that Afana wasn't present, but the man persisted aggressively.

Sahrah, unyielding, grabbed a broomstick and defended herself. She chased the intruder away, her laughter echoing as she closed the door.

When Afana returned, she was astounded by the amount of money the shop had earned and couldn't help but smile at Sahrah's resourcefulness and courage.

Their friendship continued to grow stronger, and Sahrah had found a place of belonging in Astraka. Yet, the mysteries of the Heaven God and Sahrah's own past still loomed, waiting to be uncovered.

"After a few days, Sahrah realized that AFANA'S birthday was approaching in just three days. She decided to surprise her dear friend Afana on her birthday and went to the market to buy some presents. On her way home, she crossed paths with Shirona and her group. Shirona, curious about their previous encounter, questioned Sahrah directly, asking, 'Who are you? Why are you here? How did you arrive here?'

Sahrah, known for her short temper and still upset about their earlier conversation, replied curtly, 'It's none of your business,' and continued walking. However, Shirona was persistent and raised her sword, signaling a challenge. Sahrah also summoned her sword, and a heated battle ensued. Sahrah's anger gave her the upper hand, leaving Shirona exhausted and Sahrah victorious. As she stood over her defeated opponent, ready to strike, Sahrah remembered Afana's advice about not using her powers needlessly. She decided to spare Shirona and left with a sarcastic smile.

Hyunjin, the ruler of Astraka, had witnessed the entire fight and was intrigued by Sahrah's abilities. He smiled, seeing something special in her.

Back at Afana's home, Sahrah felt guilty for not revealing the truth to her friend but chose to keep it hidden. She pretended to be in a bad mood, excusing herself from dinner and heading to bed early.

The following day, Sahrah woke up and requested breakfast from Afana. She wore a beautiful red gown she had made herself and exchanged compliments with Afana. Sahrah mentioned her intention to stay in and read a book, though she planned to create a special birthday surprise for Afana.

As time passed, Sahrah formed a close bond with Afana and the local customers. She also devised a plan to surprise Afana on her birthday. With the help of some loyal customers, she organized a magical celebration, complete with lanterns, music, and a heartfelt birthday wish for Afana. The evening was a great success, and Sahrah's friendship with Afana deepened.

Astraka was a world that had faced attacks by witches in the past, and Hyunjin had saved the realm, earning the respect and loyalty of its people. As the ruler of Astraka, Hyunjin was seen as their king. Shirona, a skilled swordswoman and close friend of Hyunjin, had played a pivotal role in defending Astraka. She was respected and admired for her bravery.

As Sahrah continued her journey in Astraka, she knew that more mysteries awaited her, and her connection to the Hell God within her would play a significant role in her destiny."

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