Chapter Two: Always & Forever

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Nobody's Pov

Everyone reluctantly did as told and sat down.

None of them wanted to stay here but they had to admit that they were curious to know if this witch was telling them the truth or not.

And considering they can't really leave, they have no choice but to obey.

They just hope that none of this was a waste of their time.

Rachel grabbed Finn by the arm and dragged him over to one of the seats. Their friends followed their lead.

Blaine went to sit at the seat on Rachel's other side while the warblers sat near him.

Burt and Carole sat together with Mr. Schue, Ms. Pillsbury, Coach Beiste and Sue sat near them.

Gertrude smiled as everyone sat down before turning her attention to the screen. With a snap of her fingers the screen began turning on.

The screen turns on and we're given a nice view of New Orleans.

The camera pans around the city before stopping at the outside of a bar called Rousseau's. We head inside and we see a young woman sitting at a largely deserted bar at midday. She turns her head around and her eyebrows furrow together.

Almost everyone looked at the screen either in confusion or annoyance.

They were supposed to watch the life of Kurt so why were they watching some random woman?

Although, some of the boys had to admit that she was really pretty.

Burt gritted his teeth and looked towards Gertrude who was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

"You said we were going to supposedly watch the life of my son? So what the hell is this?" Burt asked, visibly annoyed.

Gertrude rolled her eyes and simply said, " just be patient and watch?".

Burt glared at her and opened his mouth to say something when Carole placed her hand on top of his and caressed it.

Burt took a deep breath and when he managed to calm down he turned to his wife and nodded at her.

Carole smiled at him and the married couple put their attention back onto the screen.

The camera pans over to a young man sitting next to her while sipping a glass of wine.

His head turns to face the young woman with concern plastered on his face and his eyebrows furrowed together.

The young man was none other than Kurt Hummel.

Almost immediately gasps filled the theater as the scene paused on Kurt.

The new directions eyes were wide open as well as their jaws, they were staring at the screen with many emotions coursing through their eyes.

"Oh my god" Rachel gasped, her hand coming up to cover her mouth.

"Holy shit" Finn breathed out, never taking his eyes off the screen.

"Kurt...he's alive. My boy is alive. Oh thank god" Burt breathed out in relief.

His eyes began to water and before he knew it tears were streaming down his face but he didn't care.

All he cared about was his son and that his son was alive.

After all this time thinking that something had happened to his son, that there probably was a slight chance of him being dead, he was proven wrong.

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