Chapter Four: Tangled Up In Blue

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Nobody's Pov

As everyone settled down the next episode resumed.

The screen turns on and the camera pans inside the house. The camera pans over to Kurt who's currently walking around the house while looking around.

"Hales, where are you?" Kurt called out to his best friend but frowned when he didn't get a response.

He continued walking around the house, trying to find Hayley but still couldn't. He wondered where she was.

Everyone raised their eyebrows at that, wondering where Hayley was and why Kurt couldn't find her.

"Did she leave by any chance?" Puck asked.

"It's possible. If she did, I don't blame her" Sam shrugged.

He would've left a long time ago. He would rather be out in the streets rather than live in the same house with an asshole hybrid.

Blaine frowned and asked, "if she did leave why would she leave alone and not take Kurt with her?"

Sue rolled her eyes at the three of them and slapped them each of them upside their head.

The three of them yelped in surprise and winced in pain as they looked at the woman.

"Idiots, there's no way the wolf girl would leave porcelain. The witch lady told us that they're best friends, practically brother and sister, meaning there's no way they would ever leave each other behind" Sue said.

She may not know Hayley that well but she can tell she cares for Kurt so much.

There's no way she would just leave him behind, especially not with the hybrid after what he had done.

Kurt walked into the foyer and stopped in his tracks when he saw Klaus and Rebekah there, seemingly in the middle of a conversation.

"I cannot believe you disposed of those vampires without me. You know how I love to set things on fire" Rebekah pouted.

"Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot?" Klaus asked.

"Yes!" everyone yelled.

"After they tried attacking Kurt and Hayley they deserve what they got" Trent huffed.

Those vampires were clearly going to kill them and he's glad that they were the ones that were dead.

"Besides, they were my responsibility. They attacked the helpless pregnant girl who's carrying my child along with her best friend who happens to be my beautiful mate" Klaus smirked.

Kurt felt himself blushing a little at Klaus calling him 'beautiful' and felt his heart flutter a bit.

"Oh, I am so moved by your new-found sense of fatherly duties towards the werewolf carrying your hybrid bun in her oven" Rebekah sarcastically smiled.

Klaus chuckled at his sisters choice of words while Kurt couldn't help but snort.

Everyone found themselves laughing at Rebekah's words.

"Ok, it's official, I like her" Santana grinned.

"Same here" Puck nodded, a grin plastered on his own face.

Brittany and Quinn frowned slightly at that, feeling something in their stomachs, before shaking their heads.

Klaus and Rebekah turned around to look at Kurt who cleared his throat.

"Sorry for intruding. I was just looking for Hayley" Kurt told them.

"No worries, love. After all, this is your home too" Klaus grinned at him.

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