Chapter Six: Sinners & Saints

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Nobody's Pov

As everyone settled down the next episode begins to play.

The screen turns on and the camera pans to the mansion. We head inside where we see Kurt, who was wearing a black shirt and black sweatpants, walking downstairs.

He looked tired and we can see how his wounds still need a few more days to heal after what he went through the other day.

"What is he doing? He should be in bed resting not moving around" Burt asked, concerned.

His son had went through alot the other day and the last thing he wants is for him to be moving around.

He should be in his room resting in his bed and staying there until he 100% healed.

Carole sighed before placing a hand on her husbands shoulder causing him to look at him.

"I know and I agree that he should be resting in bed but this is Kurt we're talking about. You and I both know he won't just sit back and do nothing" Carole softly said.

Burt frowned at that before letting out a sigh, knowing that his wife had a point.

If there's one thing he knew about his son is that he was stubborn.

Something he had definitely got from him and Elizabeth, mainly Elizabeth.

Just as he was going to make his way into the kitchen he heard something from the living room. He walked into the living room just in time to see Klaus zooming inside and throwing Sophie onto one of the chairs.

Rebekah was also in the room as she stood by just as Klaus began to speak.

"We had a deal! You protect my unborn child and my mate, I dismantle Marcel's army. And whilst I've been busy fulfilling my part of the bargain, you allowed Hayley and Kurt to be attacked and almost killed by a gaggle of lunatic witches" Klaus angrily spat.

A few people in the theater began glaring at Sophie the second that they saw her.

Blaine being the main one.

He'd never admit this out loud, ever, but he agreed with Klaus since he made a deal with Sophie to take down Marcel and he was keeping his promise while Sophie wasn't.

She allowed Kurt to get hurt and he wanted her to pay.

However, there were a few others that didn't believe Sophie was behind the attack.

Considering Hayley and Kurt were the only leverage she had against the Mikaelson family, especially Klaus.

Kurt walked further into the living room and Rebekah turned to him, having heard his footsteps.

"I had nothing to do with it, I swear. Hayley and I are linked, remember? She dies, I die" Sophie reminded him.

"And what about Kurt, huh? May I remind you that he is not only human but he is my mate? Do you not care if he were to die?" Klaus angrily asked.

Kurt raised an eyebrow at that, having sensed the anger and worry in the hybrids tone.

Everyone had the same reaction, they were confused why Klaus sounded not only angry but worried.

The girls, of course, knew why Klaus was worried and couldn't stop the grins from appearing on their faces.

"He wasn't supposed to be there, Agnes just wanted Hayley. But that doesn't matter because I would never want any harm to come to him either. Like you said, he's human and your mate" Sophie said.

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