Chapter One: Gathering Everyone

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Nobody's Pov

Heartbreak was the worst.

But what's even worse is finding out that your lover, someone you thought you could trust, cheated on you.

That's how Kurt Hummel felt.

During his time in New York he was feeling lonely. Don't get him wrong, he loved being in New York alongside his best friend, Rachel Berry.

But he missed his hometown. He missed his friends, his brother, his stepmother and his father.

And he definitely missed his boyfriend. Blaine Anderson.

His first boyfriend. His first love. His soulmate.

Kurt thought that he and Blaine were going to be each others forever. He thought that they would reunite in New York once Blaine finished highschool and they would start their lives together.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Because when Blaine had come to visit Kurt in New York it was awkward and full of some tension.

Especially when Blaine had been acting weird the entire visit.

When they were walking around in the park a bit late at night Kurt had asked him what was wrong because he was confused, worried and annoyed.

He honestly regrets asking. 

Or maybe he didn't, he wasn't sure.

Because Blaine had confessed that he had cheated on him.

Kurt will remember the way his heart dropped all the way to his stomach, he will remember the feeling of dread and betrayal coursing through his body.

What made the confession worse was that Blaine had tried to put the blame on him, saying that he tried to spend time with him but Kurt was either busy or just wasn't there for him like he was before.

Kurt understands that he didn't make time for Blaine but he had a life too, he was busy with work and college.

Things that were extremely important in his life.

Kurt remembers going off on him telling him that being in a long distance relationship wasn't easy and that he too has had temptations but, unlike Blaine, never acted upon them and remained loyal to his boyfriend.

Because he knew what would happen if he had given in.

He loved Blaine and wasn't going to ruin their relationship by cheating.

But it looks like Blaine wasn't in the same boat as him.

Kurt remembers running off, not wanting to hear anymore of Blaine's excuses or apologies, and he didn't stop until he was back at his and Rachel's place.

He remembers locking the front door and collapsing on the ground while crying his eyes out.

He managed to calm down after about an hour of crying. And when he did he got up from the ground and made his way into his room.

He got his suitcase out and began stuffing his clothes and other belongings into the suitcase. He only packed what he needed, what was important and meaningful to him, before zipping up his suitcase.

After writing a letter for Rachel to find for when she, along with Finn and Blaine, returned home he got his jacket on and left.

He only left with what he had on along with his suitcase.

He had left his phone and other electronics behind. He didn't want anyone to locate where he was.

He hoped that the letter would put everyone at ease. He wants them to know that he will be gone for a while since he needs time for himself and doesn't want anyone coming to find him to bring him home.

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