Chapter Three: House Of The Rising Son

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Nobody's Pov

Everyone didn't know what to say based on everything they just watched.

Don't get them wrong, they were happy that Kurt is alive and were happy to know where he is.

But it doesn't change the fact that he is literally in a town that is full of supernatural creatures.

And he's human meaning he could easily be killed and that just makes their skin crawl.

Gertrude looked at everyone and decided to play the next episode as they were all silent.

The screen turned on and the camera pans to the white mansion before heading inside.

We head into one of the rooms that is Kurt's new room and we see Kurt lying on his bed looking extremely bored.

He and Hayley have been here for a few days but Klaus gave them orders to stay inside. Not only that but Elijah has left for whatever reason.

Everyone raised their eyebrows at that.

"What does he mean Elijah left?" Thad asked.

"Where the hell did he go? Didn't he promise to protect them?" Trent asked.

"Don't tell me he just suddenly bailed?" Burt asked.

He actually trusted Elijah, unlike Klaus, and if he broke his promise and just left his son and his friend with his brother he was going to lose it.

Gertrude sighed as she turned to everyone who was waiting for an answer.

"Lets just say something happened between Klaus and Elijah and that's why he's gone" Gertrude explained.

Everyone frowned at that, growing annoyed since that didn't really answer their question.

But they knew that's all they were going to get.

So, they just put their attention back onto the screen as the episode resumed.

Kurt sighed and got up from his bed and left the room to head into the kitchen to make himself a snack.

However, as he left his room he furrowed his eyebrows together when he saw Hayley warily walking down the stairs.

"Hales, are you ok?" Kurt asked as he made his way over to her.

"I think I heard something from outside" Hayley told him.

"Maybe it's Klaus" Kurt shrugged.

"I don't think so, it sounded like a car" Hayley said.

Kurt frowned at that, feeling a little worried that there might be an intruder.

Everyone couldn't stop the worry from coursing through their bodies.

They were hoping that there was no intruder in the mansion, they don't want Kurt and Hayley getting hurt.

He walks closer to Hayley as she grabs an iron poker while he grabs a nearby lamp.

As the two of them descended down the stairs the front door opened to which they tensed up.

But they calmed down when a breathtaking girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes who wore a long black shirt, black shorts and black shoes entered the house.

Everyone's eyes widened as they stared at the girl as their cheeks turned slightly red.

Hell, the gay guys and the straight girls were were blushing at seeing the girl since they had to admit that she i beautiful.

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