Chapter Seven: Fruit Of The Poisoned Tree

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Nobody's Pov

As everyone settled down the next episode begins to play.

The screen turns on and the camera pans inside the mansion where we see Kurt and Hayley walking downstairs together to head into the kitchen and eat some breakfast.

As they walk into the living room Hayley makes her way into the kitchen but Kurt stops at the sight he was seeing.

Klaus and Elijah sit on different couches as they read their own book. A dead girl lays on the coffee table, her neck bleeding from puncture wounds in her neck, while classical music was being played.

Everyone's eyes widened at the sight they were seeing on the screen.

A dead girl was literally lying on the coffee table of the living room but neither of the brothers seemed bothered by it.

They were simply reading their own books as if there wasn't a corpse in the same room as them.

Majority of the people looked away while a few others kept looking, unable to tear their eyes away.

"Well this is certainly something" Sebastian commented.

"I'll say" Thad muttered with a nod of his head.

"What the hell is this? Vampire book club?" Kurt sarcastically asked.

Klaus and Elijah look up and turn to face the Hummel male as he places his hands on his hips

"So this is what you do now that Elijah is back?" Kurt asked, raising an eyebrow at the men.

Klaus and Elijah shared a look before the hybrid let out a chuckle as he looked at the Hummel male.

"You know, Rebekah said the same thing a few minutes ago" Klaus told him.

"I'm not even surprised" Jeff sighed.

"Me neither" Nick nodded, wrapping an arm around his boyfriends shoulders.

 Kurt hummed at that while Elijah chuckled before turning to the Hummel male.

"Good morning, Kurt. Did you sleep well?" Elijah politely asked.

"Yes I did. Though I'm up early since I was hungry, so was Hayley" Kurt said.

Elijah perked up at the mention of Hayley to which Klaus and Kurt noticed.

He cleared his throat and quietly excused himself before getting up from the couch. He sets his book down before making his way into the kitchen.

The girls brightened at what they were seeing, grins appearing on all of their faces.

It's quite clear that something was going on between those two and they were hoping that they would become something soon.

Kurt grinned, a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Of course he knows" Santana grinned.

"Well of course he does. One, it's pretty obvious. Two, this is Kurt we're talking about" Quinn smiled.

Kurt turned around and made his way over to Klaus as the hybrid went back to reading his book.

"So, what are you reading?" Kurt asked once he reached the hybrid.

Klaus, without looking up from his book, replied, "a poison tree by William Blake".

"Huh? Never heard of that book before" Finn hummed.

"Honey, you've never read a book in your life. Not even your school textbooks" Carole giggled softly.

Finn blushed at that while his friends tried not to laugh.

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