Sharing bad news at the Welcome Campfire:

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(At the campfire)
(Campers gather around the campfire)
Jonah Hart,Vivian Vance,Evan Webber and the other children of Apollo:(singing)There's a legendary out on Long Island.I've heard stories of adventures out there.And there's some demigods that never quite stop talking,who spend their summers in a cabin that they all...
Unnamed female new camper:(singing)Shareeeeeeeeee
(Suddenly,an holographic flute appears over the unnamed female new camper's head)
Vivian Vance:There goes another claiming...
Evan Webber:All hail Rebecca Barnes!Daughter or Euterpe!One of the Muses!
(Everyone claps)
(Chiron arrives)
Jonah Hart:Chiron,glad you finally joined us.
Chiron:I would not miss this for anything...
Chiron:Welcome!To the 2024 summer session of Camp Half-Blood!
(All campers cheer)
Chiron:For those who are new here,I am Chiron,trainer of heroes and the activities director.I see that many of you have been claimed already.From Demeter to Morpheus.Don't worry if you haven't been claimed,we'll contact Mount Olympus and the gods shall send Hermes to investigate further your godly parent's identity.
Beatrix Baldwin:How about Capture the Flag?
Chiron:I know Cabin #5-Ares is anxious about returning to the woods for our regular games,especially the new members of your cabin who wish to win their 1st Capture the Flag,but like it was already explained,until the Bronze Dragon is found,that won't be possible.
(All Cabin #5-Ares members 😫groan)
Some campers:😮‍💨Phew
Chiron:However,i'm afraid I have some bad news to share with you all,especially with the children of Apollo.
Unnamed child of Apollo:What?What's wrong with our dad?
Chiron:I'm afraid your father,the god Apollo,has...been captured...
(All campers gasp)
Vivian Vance:(standing up)I'm afraid Chiron is telling the truth,my siblings. Our father, Apollo, sent us a message through Jonah. He said that we must free him by the dawn of the Summer Solstice. Otherwise, we might lose our father forever.
Ariana Finley:Do the gods know about his disappearance?
Ellie Bolt:I sent an Iris Message to my father,Zeus.He said that Olympus has not heard of Apollo for months.Some of the gods,such as Ares and Hephaestus,don't see this as much importance.They think he's just avoiding godly responsibilities.Dad throught that at first as well,but now he's growing concerned...Not just about Apollo,but,something else...
Jonah:What is it?
Ellie:I don't know.He didn't dare to tell me...but dad said that he's sent some of the gods to do a search for him.
Aaron Finley:Which gods exactly?
Ellie:Your mother, Artemis, Ares, Hermes, Hypnos, Nemesis, Nike,etc.Poseidon and Hades are going to keep guard in their territories in order to check if they find something about Apollo.
Jonah:Their territories?
James Wolverson:She's talking about the oceans and the Underworld
Ellie:(blushing)🥰 James said...
James:Anyway,since Apollo's message came through,that means he's the one who needs to lead the quest.
Evan Webber:I hate to be a party pooper,but who says this quest belongs to Jonah?
James:😒Evan,not now.
Evan:Don't get me wrong,Jonah's a good kid.Sure,he got possessed by our daddy.But,he called out for Vivian.Therefore,this has to be her quest.
Vivian:It's alright,Evan.I actually don't mind.
Rachel Elizabeth Dare:Everyone,calm down.As the Oracle,it's my job to recite the prophecy for this quest.Pretty sure if you hear,it would be more easy to choose the right members.
Jonah:Go ahead,Rachel. it comes...
Rachel:(with the voice of the Oracle of Delphi)Children of the Sun better beware
Rachel:(with the voice of the Oracle of Delphi)One shall perish in the eclipse be aware
Rachel:(with the voice of the Oracle of Delphi)Water and Wisdom times 2 must break the cage
Rachel:(witch the voice of the Oracle of Delphi)And the light endure through Apollo's rage
Jonah:Children of the sun...that means both of us can go to the quest.
Evan:You mean 3 of us.I'll come with you guys.Apollo is my dad as well.
Will:So am I...
Jonah:(nervous) shouldn't...I mean...
Will:Look,I may have left the half-blood life a while ago,but i'm still a child of Apollo.
Vivian:Not so fast,Everyone.The prophecy said "Water and Wisdom times 2 must break the cage".The prophecy calls out for children of Poseidon and Athena.
Ariana:Count us,me and Aaron will help you rescue your dad.
Chiron:I'm afraid only 1 of you can go to the quest,Ariana.
Percy:Wait,the prophecy said times 2,which means that it has to be 2 children of Athena and 2 children of Poseidon.Ariana and Aaron will be able to come to the quest.I'll go as well with Mya.We're children of Poseidon,after all.
Chiron:Speaking of which,has anyone seen Mya Rodriguez?
(Suddenly,Mya Rodriguez and Jordyn Jenelle arrive riding Festus,the Bronze Dragon)
Mya Rodriguez:😄Hola todos!We found the Bronze Dragon!

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