Sun always finds a way back to go home:

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Jonah Hart:😰
Tytios:I must admit it,kid.You have some nerves inside of you,so let me give you once last offer.Swear your loyalty to me or be destroyed along with Apollo's legacy.The sun will not save you now...
Jonah: ...
(Suddenly,Jonah's eyes turn white)

(Vision starts)
(Tytios screams and is evaporated)
(Vision ends)

(Jonah's eyes turn back to normal)
Jonah: ...You're wrong
(Jonah's hands start glowing)
Jonah:(with his hands glowing)No matter how much darkness there is in the world,the sun always finds a way to go back home.
(Jonah blasts Tytios with his light powers)

(In the sinkhole)
(Mya Rodriguez finishes healing Ariana Finley's left foot with water)
(Percy Jackson wets the cage bars with water and Aaron Finley uses his spear to break them)
(Apollo,God of the Sun and Prophecy is freed from the cage)
Percy Jackson:How do you feel?
Apollo,God of the Sun and Prophecy: ...Finally
(Apollo,God of the Sun and Prophecy's eyes start glowing)

(In the Grand Canyon)
Tytios:You fool!Even with your light powers!You cannot defeat me on your own!
Jonah: ...

Apollo:(voice)He's not alone

(Jonah turns)
(Jonah sees Apollo floating into the sky in his godly form)
Apollo:For he has his father by his side
Jonah,Vivian Vance and Evan Webber:😀
Apollo:Jonah Hart,I grant you my blessing.Let my aura of light give you strength and guide you in the moment of most need.
(Suddenly,Jonah is surrounded by a gold yellow aura)
Apollo:Now,let's finish this together...
(Apollo starts glowing with high intensity)
Evan Webber:Oh gods,is he...?
Vivian Vance:He's revealing his true form!
(Vivian and Evan start covering their eyes)

(Percy Jackson,Ariana Finley,Aaron Finley and Mya Rodriguez get out of the sinkhole)
(Percy Jackson looks at the sky and sees Apollo)
Percy:😬You may wanna cover your eyes for what's to come...
(Percy,Ariana Finley,Aaron Finley and Mya Rodriguez start covering their eyes)

(Back in the Grand Canyon)
(Jonah blasts a powerful ray of light towards Tytios and Apollo transforms into his true divine form at the same time)
(Tytios screams and is evaporated)
(Apollo goes back to his godly form)
Apollo:Is all right,you can all open their eyes now!
(Everyone opens their eyes)
(Jonah's golden yellow aura fades)
(Everyone goes towards towards Jonah)
Ariana Finley:Jonah!
(Everyone sees that Jonah's hair has turned blonde)
Aaron Finley:Your hair,man,it's...
(Aaron Finley takes out his Hephaestus Phone,uses it to take a picture of Jonah and shows it to him)
Jonah:Blonde!I'm Blonde?!How?!
Vivian:I told you,the Blessing of Apollo changes the color of your hair,but don't worry,it'll wear off with time.

(Jonah,Percy,Vivian,Evan Webber,Ariana Finley,Aaron Finley,Mya Rodriguez and Apollo go towards Will Solace)
Jonah Hart:Will!
(Jonah sees Will Solace is continuously bleeding)
Will Solace:(dying/lying on the ground) that you?...
Jonah:Yes!It's me!Hold on!
(Evan Webber checks Will Solace quickly)
Percy:How bad is it?
Evan Webber:Spinal injury,plus losing too much blood and pulse going downhill.
Will:(dying/lying on the ground)You did it,Jonah...You defeated Tytios...You saved the world...
Jonah:(sad)I couldn't have done it without your support...Please!Will!Don't give up!
Will:(dying/lying on the ground)It's alright,Jonah...I've lived a good life...Even through there are a lot of things I won't be able to do anymore...I just want you know...that I was so happy to have a little brother like you...
(Will closes his eyes and dies)

Percy Jackson:Half Blood Heroes (Book #3-Children of the Sun)Where stories live. Discover now