Kronos' scythe looks now like a cheap copy:

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Lydia Sharpe:Well,well,look what Tartarus has brought to us.Right,my friends?
(Lydia Sharpe and her allies laught)
Jonah Hart:Lydia,it was obvious you were behind all of this.
Ariana Finley:Yeah,you really through you could hide your involvement after what happened last summer?
Lydia:I was hidden from the world for 12 years.I assure you I do not intent to hide anymore.
Lydia:Will Solace,it's been years since I saw you.Are you still dating the son of Hades?
Lydia:Because I hope you have told him goodbye...
Will Solace:😤
Aaron Finley:😠Enough of games!Lydia!Tell us who your master is!
Lydia:Excellent question,child of Athena.I'm actually surprised that you and your twin sister have not figured it out by now.
Lydia:Kronos,Gaea,they all failed because they were weak.Kronos was too proud he was going to win and Gaea let her personal feelings towards her children be her downfall.The patreon i'm working for has no such weaknesses.He is the most powerful of the lords of Heavens.The primordial god of the sky and the father of the Titans!
Jonah Hart,Ariana Finley,Aaron Finley,Evan Webber and Mya Rodriguez:😱
Ariana:Ouranos!You're trying to bring back Ouranos!
Evan Webber:But that's impossible!Ouranos was scattered years ago!
Lydia:And so was Kronos
Lydia:Yet,he returned back from Tartarus in the 2nd Titan War.
Vivian Vance:What do you think you'll win with this?!
Lydia:Ouranos is looking foward to reclaiming the rightful throne that belongs to him.He has watched how the Olympians have ruled the world and is very disappointed that they've let themselves called "myths" for ages.Ouranos will remind Western Civilization it's place in the universe and we are going to rule by his side.
Mya Rodriguez:I'm sorry,did you just said "we"?
Lydia:We are children of the Gods.Half-Bloods may not be as strong as the Olympians,but we're still superior to all mortals in the entire world.Imagine the possibilities if we had full control.
Melanie Lewis:Ouranos seeks those who prove themselves powerful.Those who are not afraid of making sacrifices.In exchange,we will be by his side as gods.
James Wolverson:The Olympians overthrown the Titans,just like them overthrown Ouranos before.Now it's our turn to rule the world.
Percy Jackson:All of you are crazy!Ouranos casted aside his own children!He will betray all of you!
Lydia:The Titans were weak!That's the real reason they were casted aside!We will prove ourselves by doing what's necessary to prepare his return.It doesn't matter who or what gets in the way...
Jonah:James,don't do this,you're better than this.
James:I know,but it's the only way I will be able to see my mom again.I have no choice,but you have,join us and you will be shown mercy.
Ariana:Then,you have to hit us with your best shot,because there's no way we will help you destroy the world.
(Percy Jackson,Ariana,Aaron and Vivian Vance take out their weapons)
(The monsters prepare to fight)
Lydia:(taking out Annabeth Chase's dagger)Too bad,we could've used some of your skills for our precious cause,but now it seems that you'll have to die before that happens...
Evan:Oh,yeah,what are you going to do to us?Stab us with your little dagger?
Lydia:Of course,I will stab,but not with something that is much worse...
(Lydia drops Annabeth Chase's dagger in the air and it transforms into a Scythe)
(Lydia grabs the Scythe)
(Evan gulps)
Will:(nervous)I don't remember Annabeth's dagger being able to do that
Percy:(nervous)Me neither
Lydia:You like it?
Lydia:The Telkhines were too kind to make a few modifications with their dark magic.Plus,with a bit of the blessing of Ouranos himself.
Mya:Girl,no offense,but your obsession with Kronos is not healthy.
Lydia:Do I look like a give a **** about what you think of me?
James:Lydia!She's a child!
Lydia:Whatever,any words before you go to the Underworld permanently.'re not the only one who got new tricks under the sleeve...
(Jonah makes a light blast towards Lydia and her allies)
Lydia Sharpe:Ow!My eyes!

Percy Jackson:Half Blood Heroes (Book #3-Children of the Sun)Where stories live. Discover now