i've had a headache since i woke up, period cramps, my parents were mad but i couldn't say a word about how i was feeling cause they'd tell me i'm ✨dramatic✨, i'm either way too hot or way too cold, i haven't eaten dinner yet and my parents just got back from the store and dinner will take a while to get done, i managed to accidentally separate the area where your skin meets the tip of your nail so that's painful, and my neck hurts. 😌
so that's my rant i'm also on my period and hangry so that might be part of it hopefully i'll feel better after i eat.
on a positive note i got a new outfit today and i got my halloween costume, i'm going as a ring leader. and i'm on a four day weekend. it's dark in my room. and my sister hasn't talked to me in HOURS so that's a plus!!
i'm also updating my fanart collection after over a year. i didn't realize anyone read it or liked it so i haven't updated it but people HAVE and so i'm updating it today. some of the update went out about a minute ago and the next ones are coming in fifteen minutes. i have Spawnofsatan109 and anikajm09 to thank for getting me back to that. y'all are amazing.
have a great day ya crazy amazing fuckers! 🤪
what the motherfucking fuck am i doing right now in my crazy ass life?
De Todohello so this is my ADHD ass coming at ya with some ✨life updates✨ on cRaCk. in summary: my humor is ✨broken✨