3| Numb

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Tw: this chapter will include sexual harassment and Rape. If you are not comfortable with this, I will give a disclaimer before it happens so you may skip if you want.

All of us were high. Don't ask why but we decided to smoke Theo's mysterious weed. And well that didn't end up too well.

So I was heading down the stairs to sneak some food, hoping that I wouldn't get caught. While pansy, Enzo, Theo headed to our dorm, and Mattheo taking a shower in his dorm that he shared with Enzo and Theo.

I was walking down the stairs passing by some classes, until I get pulled into one. I gasp trying to fight whoever pulled me into a classroom. I am pushed up against the door, my back hitting the handle. I look at who did this, when I see there face, I'm not surprised, the blonde ferret himself.

His face is all beat up, Mattheo really did a number on him. "What the hell, malfoy! I yell at him, my vision going a little blurry. Dumb ass weed.

"You think you and your boy toy are so funny huh?!" I just look at him like he Is mad, which he probably is. "ANSWER ME!" He yells slamming his fist against the door, right next to my head. I flinch at his reaction. How can someone be so angry? What is he going to do? Fear fills my body as he grabs my neck and says "I've been waiting so long to do this"


He kisses me. I squirm and fight back but he is too strong. His hand still around my neck, he grips it tighter, making it hard for me to breath. He starts to unbutton my shirt, sloppily kissing down my neck all the way down to my bra. Why don't I fight back? It's no use. I feel Numb. What he is doing... makes me feel Numb.

While he Is kissing along my chest he grabs the edge of my shorts, pulling them down all the way to my ankles, I stand there shaking, tears subconsciously flowing down my face.

"Your so hot, woods" he whispers in my ear. I just stand there...numb. Numb to everything, him, the world, my emotions, touch. I do not feel anything. I don't feel sad, angry, upset, happy, stressed, relieved, just nothing... absolutely nothing.

He continued to kiss me everywhere, eventually taking off all of my clothing. And his..

And that's when it happened. No condom. No nothing. But he couldn't care less. He just wants me to suffer, and for him to get pleasure. And what he is doing works, both ways.

He's done. After what felt like an eternity. He finished. Sexually and physically. He pushed me to the ground. Leaving. Not even caring to tell me not to tell anyone. Or threaten me.

I sit there. Numb. I look at my clothes, they are all scattered across the room. I slowly but surely pick up all the bits of my clothes. After at least 30 minuets after Draco left I was ready to leave. I got up, using a desk as support. I grabbed the door, or what felt like one, not being able to feel much.

I stumble all the way from the bottom of the stairs to my dorm, where I hear people chattering. It felt like my legs where about or give in. Like they were jello.

I open the door. Everyone looking in my direction. I can't hold it in anymore. I collapse onto the ground, screaming, yelling, crying. I needed help. I felt many arms around me, and many voices asking me what wrong, or trying to comfort me.

My vision going blurry. My throat having a big lump in it. My breath hitching. I couldn't breath...

What's happening? I try and breath but nothing helps. I can't talk, u look around only seeing blobs due to the tears forming in my eyes. I took my hand and placed it on my chest, feeling my heartbeat, it was going at a rapid speed.

Next thing i know. Everything goes black.

=*==*==*With The Others*==*==*=
(Before Emma shows up)

"Where is she?" Mattheo asks as he looks around looking for Emma.

They all look around too. They hadn't noticed she was gone due to them being very high.

"Uhhh..." and "ummm..." where heard through out the room looking for an excuse. "She went to get food" pansy says her eyes following Mattheos movements.

"Well that shouldn't take an fucking hour!" He says getting more heating by the moment.

"What if she got caught? I mean it's Emma?" Blaise says but is only responded with a deadly glare by riddle.

The door opened....Emma.

She was a complete mess. Her hair messy, her eyes sore, her clothes put on completely wrong, and a mark around her throat. Almost immediately she fell to the ground. Bursting out in pain, tears flowing down her face. She looked...Hurt.

The pain in her eyes gave it away. The pain in her eyes where making it un bearable to look into her eyes. Her breath was becoming more and more unsteady. She tried to speak. But she couldn't. She physically couldn't.

"Someone do something!" Pansy yells tears rolling down her own cheeks, seeing her won best friend like this was slowly killing her.

Mattheo got up and ran to the nearest wand he could find. He says "stupefy" (makes someone fall unconscious)

There she was. In mattheos arms. Unconscious. He picks her up, bridal style, softly putting her down, while the others follow him. Pansy tells the boys to leave and go to there dorm, and get some rest and she will tell them what happened in the morning.

Dirty that this one was so depressing and short. But I love you guys and I hope y'all have a great day/night

My lovely's ❤️

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