6| Positive?

28 1 5

It's been a couple months since me and Mattheo first hooked up. Ever since then life has been easy going. Besides some words with Malfoy. And a couple hook ups with Mattheo ever so often. Life has been good. The Slytherins stopped asking about what happened, and I just decided to act as if nothing happened.


I woke up to the sound of my stupid alarm. School.

I get up and take a fast shower, hoping my hair would have enough time to air dry. I put on some makeup and leave my hair down, as usual.

Pansy is already ready by the time I get out of the shower, so when i get done we head to breakfast.

I sit down besides Mattheo and pansy sits on the opposite side of me, in front of Enzo, and Theo besides Enzo.

I was just eating, and laughing at Blaise, pansy, and Enzo's conversation. They were talking about how to give a proper blowjob. Which don't ask me why in hell we got into that conversation.

I feel a hand grab onto my thigh. I dont even have to look at who's hand it is. I place my hand over his, feeling the cold rings rub up against my thigh. With my hand I guide his hand farther up my thigh, then back down, and then farther up, over and over until everyone gets done eating, and we head to the common room.

When i was heading towards the common room, with everyone, I started to feel a little light headed, like I was going to throw up.

I push through it and take a seat next to Enzo and Mattheo. Everything is going good until I feel like throwing up again. I can't hold it anymore. So I run to the nearest trash can and throw up. Pansy and the boys following me, and pansy grabs my hair so it doesn't get dirty.

When I'm done throwing up, I wipe the excess that was around my mouth with my shirt, getting it all dirty.

Me and pansy head toward our dorm, because she suggested that I get a new shirt so I don't smell like throw up.

When we get to the dorm. Pansy and quickly shuts the door and says "when was the last time you did it?" She asks getting on to something.

"What? Are you serious?" I look at her completely confused. There's no way. No absolute fucking way she's thinking what I'm thinking. "Are you pregnant?" She looks at me, I just stand there thinking about the last time I had sex. We weren't safe. I can't be pregnant. There's no way. I don't even have a proper boyfriend.

"Wha- no! There's no way! I'm only fucking 16!" This can't be happening. There's no way I have a baby growing in me. "One way to find out" she says shrugging as if it's the most careless thing in the world.


I avoided mattheo the whole day. Me and pansy decided that we should order one of the muggle world tests, and it should be in by tomorrow.

"Emma..who would be the father? I mean if you are pregnant of course." I just look at her with a blank stare. Mattheo. How is he going to react to this. Is he going to be happy? Will he be mad? Will he avoid me and never help me again? Omg what if he does avoid me?

I can't. I can't fucking be pregnant. My father would freak. Not freak. But would kill Mattheo. That's even worse.

I was uneasy the whole day. Zoned out thinking about all the bad outcomes if I was pregnant.

And just to tell you. There is a lot of bad outcomes. And they out weigh the good outcomes.

All day Mattheo tried to talk to me, but I couldn't. He doesn't deserve this, I know that, he is being so sweet, and I'm just blowing him off.

Me and pansy both come back and I talk about how bad this would be and she talks about how good this could be.

I couldn't fall asleep all night. Tossing and turning. I couldn't help but think of Mattheo and how he would be an amazing dad. Much better than his own father.

The sun comes up, I rush to the window when I hear a knock. My owl. With the muggle test. I grab the test and thank Lila. My owl.

I go over to pansy and shake her a bit trying to wake her up. She doesn't wake up to I go right up to her ear and scream.

That definitely woke her up. She almost slapped me out of reflex. "Uhhh, what the fuck Emma" she says groaning because she is NOT a morning person.

"Look" I say shoving the muggle test in her face. "Oh shit" she says as she gets up. She tells me that I need to pee on the stick thingy.

I have no clue what I'm doing but I did what pansy told me to do and places it face down in the counter, telling pansy to come one here. We both sit in silence for 5 minuets. "I think it's ready" she says

I take a deep breath, knowing that this test could completely alter my life. I grab the rest my hands shaking. I flip it over. Two lines. WAIT TWO FUCKING LINES. This can't be happening, my dad will literally kill Mattheo. Omg Mattheo . How am I going to tell him. It feels like my whole life just crumbled into a million pieces. Pansy grabs the box to make sure two lines don't mean negative.

"Positive....." is all pansy said. "No.. this can't be fucking happening. I'm 16 for gods sake! Oh my god! How is he going to react? Mattheos going to be so pissed! it has to be a neg-" pansy cuts me off "MATTHEO!" Oh no.

I can't believe I just fucking told her that I'm sleeping with Mattheo. This is the end of the fucking world.

I just burst out in tears. This is too much. I can't be fucking pregnant. Pansy comes over to me and hugs me, comforting me, saying that it will be fine. When it most definitely won't fucking be fine.

The last time I slept with Mattheo was a couple weeks ago. It was so far the best sex we have had. Only a tiny problem. He didn't pull out. Nor did he use a condom. A little TMI but oops.

Omg she's pregnant. I know this is only chapter 6 but I needed some drama soooo I decided to do this.

Have a great day/night my lovely's❤️🫶🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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