~Chapter 2~

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Tw: self harm mention, eating disorder mention, cleaning of cuts.

Wilburs Pov

I woke up in the moring it was about 6:30 Am I had school at 7:15 (is this right at all? I'm a homeschooler so I don't really know when school starts and stuff) but I really don't want to get out of bed.

I lay there staring at the ceiling for about ten minutes thinking about how I have to eat something today because its already been 4 days since I last ate and having to go to school, but I get snapped out of my thoughts by my dad yelling up the stairs for me and Tommy to get up and that breakfast is ready.

I sigh and get up accidently hitting my arm against the bedframe, I winced and grabbed my arm in pain tears building in my eyes.

I looked down at my arm and it was covered in blood, great I thought to myself I must have broken open one of my cuts...

I walk to the bathroom and pulled up my shirt sleeve and untied the bandage and looked at my arm it was littered with scars, some new some old but on my arm one of the cuts was bleeding and looked like it was infected pretty bad.

"Damn it" I thought to myself I cleaned it out with alcohol wipes it burned hey at least it helped the voices a little I thought to myself, I wrapped it back up and threw on a sweater grabbed my bag and ran downstairs.

"Hi Wil, how'd you sleep"? my older brother asked me, "fine" I replied and sat down at the table.

 "Oh Wil I didn't hear you come down I made pancakes do you want one"? My dad asked me. 

Ugh pancakes that's a lot of carbs but I replied "sure I'll take one" and forced myself to eat it. "I'll just throw it up later anyways".

Just then my brother came running down the stairs like a crazy person....well maybe he is one because he is screaming like one.

I quickly thanked my dad for breakfast and grabbed my bag and ran out the door just barely making it onto the bus.

I sighed deeply as I put in my headphones and blocked out the outside world

Ayyyy chapter twoooo!!! I might make this only 5-6 chapters tbh

Anygays make sure to eat (even if it's small) drink water and get sleep! And know that I'm  proud of you always have a great day/night baiii!

~word count 417~

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