The Motherly Krittikas

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She emerged out of the cave, in worry and anticipation to find the whereabouts of the seed.

Raging with temper, She would destroy anyone who dared to hamper Her child. She cursed all the Demigods and Their Wives to remain infertile. They were the cause of Her unprecedented sorrow and inability to mother a child, even though She was performing the most difficult penance.

The seed rolled and made its way out through the cave. The Gods were engaged in war and fighting off the Asura army, but They noticed the mishap. They were not strong enough to contain the energy of the seed formed from the fusion of the energies of ShivShakti.

They tried following the seed and rescuing it, before it caught the attention of the demons. The seed had unbearable heat and no one could hold it. They convinced Lord Agni to hold it and protect it for only He could bear the heat.

Lord Agni tried His best to hold the seed. But it was even impossible for Him to hold it for too long. It slipped from His hands and rolled down.

He requested Goddess Ganga to appear and nurture the seed, for Her cool waters could calm down the seed's heat. She appeared in the form of a river and held the seed in Her waters.

But even She could not keep it for too long. The heat made Her waters scorch and dried the river soon. The seed rolled and settled next to the banks of the river, amidst the tall reeds of grass.

Parvati cursed Agni Dev, furious and frustrated at His inability to protect Her child. "I curse You that anything that You touch shall burn to ashes! And You will have no control over Your own flames. " Very soon, the earth He was standing on was on fire, and the flames spread through and consumed the entire forest.

He was disheartened at the turn of events. He didn't intend to hurt the Goddess' sentiments. He was only trying to help Her.

He prayed to Lord Shiva to reverse the curse. He was benevolent and He forgave Him easily, understanding that He had merely become the victim of His grief-stricken Wife.

"I cannot reverse the curse Parvati has spoken. But I bless You, that whatever You touch, shall instantly be cleansed from all sins. From now, You shall be known as Pawak, the purest one and whatever You burn to ashes indiscriminately, whether it was pure or impure previously, shall also be rendered pure."

Parvati continued walking up through the same and entire course the seed had followed. She saw Her sister Ganga and how even She failed to keep the seed in Her care.

"Oh sister, even You failed at Your duties of being an aunt to My child! I curse You that everyone will wash themselves in Your waters and everyday You shall turn filthy."

Ganga weeped at the outcome She had never expected. Lord Shiva appeared in front of Her and pacified Her. "Don't worry Ganga, although everyone will wash their sins in Your holy waters, You shall remain pure as untouched and all filth and dirt shall be reversed everyday."

Goddess Bhoomi, in whose womb the seed rested for a while, saw everything and trembled in fear. When Parvati appeared in front of Her, She bowed Her head and surrendered to Her. She knew that She might become the next victim of Her anger.

"Bhoomi Devi, You've tried Your best to protect My child. You may be a wife to many capable men, and Your appearance may appear different to others, as per their inference. You may not bear children from Your womb, but still every being shall be ultimately Your child."

With every pacing step, Parvati's anger was diminishing slowly as She came back to Her senses. She felt sorry for what She had said and done. She sighed as She realised the outcome of all what had happened in the process. She regretted Her curses and wanted to undo everything. She had to take up responsibility for Her actions.

Parvati Vallabh - Shakti's Beloved (#2 Of Series)Where stories live. Discover now