Lord Kubera's Invitation

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She tucked the gajra of Parijata flowers behind Her ear.

They were so fragrant and fresh, as if plucked during the early hour of dawn. The beautiful orchard of blooming flowers near Lake Mansarovar, quiet and peaceful when the first rays of sunlight slowly take pace amidst the cool skies.

Shiuli flowers were Her most favourite, the soft white petals whorling around the golden sepal. She had matched Her saree with the flower gajra, a sequined white saree with an orange border. She wore golden bangles and a garland of white chrysanthemum flowers.

She picked up the kohl pencil and lined Her beautiful, golden eyes. She dipped Her ring finger in vermilion and drew a small dot, bindi at the centre of Her forehead.

She took a cotton swab and dipped it in alta and gently traced the borders of Her feet. She opened a small crystal box which had Her collection of earrings.

She ran Her hands over the jewellery pieces, imagining which combination would fit perfectly with Her clothes. She finally settled on a beautiful brocade piece.

She picked the earrings up and was fastening them over Her ears, when She heard a knock at the doors.

"Yes Nandi, come in. Is everything fine?"

 Is everything fine?"

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He opened His eyes calmly and cast His first glance at Parvati.

She is looking so beautiful and gorgeous in this minimalist attire.

He smiled shyly, not breaking eye contact with Her. He could keep looking at Her for ages and never close His eyes again to go into meditation. True meditation is with the eyes opened, when Shakti makes one realise the transcendental truth of life.

All these years of waiting and pining and living in pain finally found their conclusion in Her solace and love. He was so grateful for Her presence in His life. He simply couldn't imagine a life without Her. He was really Shava with His Shakti.

"My Lord, please accept My invitation and grace My home on the house warming ceremony." Lord Kubera's voice cut through His trail of thoughts and brought Him back to the present.

"Oh yes, I mean..." He spoke up finally.

He looked at Parvati for Her approval. He may be the God of the Three Worlds, but even He needed His Wife's permission before announcing a decision.

"Parvati, I think You forgot to wear the earring in Your left ear."

In His profound admiration, He had not noticed that She was missing an earring when He looked at Her the first time.

Parvati ran Her fingers through Her ear lobe and realised that Her earring had gone missing.

"Swami, I had worn it this morning. Maybe in a haste I didn't fasten it properly and it fell down somewhere."

Parvati Vallabh - Shakti's Beloved (#2 Of Series)Where stories live. Discover now