Kailash Is Lifted

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Heartbroken, Dashanan turned and returned back to His kingdom.

"How can a subtle woman outsmart the ten headed Dashanan? Even My ten minds weren't enough to understand Her."

A shrill laugh interrupted His monologue.

"Fool, no man ever born could understand or outwit a woman. And She's no ordinary woman. She is the Mother Goddess. I'm telling You, one day, simply because of Your arrogance and stupid ways, You shall see Your downfall only because of a woman. Didn't You get cursed by Vedavati and Rambha for trying to misbehave with Them? And Yet, You never learn Your lesson."

Dashanan flung His arm, almost about to punch Her.

"Surpanakha! How dare You say that to Your elder brother!"

The woman swung and missed the blow. She had long nails, almost shaped like an archer's bow. They were brightly painted in colourful hues.

"Huh! Elder brother? You were the one who killed My husband because You were insecure of His power."

Every word from Her mouth spit venom and He could no longer hold back His anger. "If You still mourn the death of that moron, then I give You permission to roam about the forests and find any man worthy of Your company for marriage. And I shall Myself get Him married to You, irrespective of who He is. I won't deny You companionship."

Finally, a sly smile spread on Her face. She had heard what She wanted to hear. But that was not the complete plan. She wanted to see His ego get crushed badly to the point that He could never stand up again.

She knew that the only thing Dashanan loved more than His dear life was His ego.

But when a woman seeks revenge, even the devil takes notes. And it doesn't matter who her enemy is, even if it is her own sibling.

"Really? If You truly are that power, then I dare You to seize the ultimate power. Only when You can have the Lord of the Lords, Mahadev, by Your side, here at Lanka, will I believe Your fake words."

But those were some wise words, and not just a dare.

Dashanan thought for a while and then suddenly started laughing.

"You're right sister! All this while I've been trying to run behind the wrong things for power. If I have the most powerful God by My side, even Shakti would be in My reign. Thank you for Your advice, and you're right, women are more witty than men." He smirked, trying to butter Her.

Hope the Destroyer can ultimately destroy Your ego, for it has started to consume Your own family now. How would You know what sorrow feels like to lose a dear one, for You're too lost in Your arrogance.

Surpanakha bowed and took leave, and flew away to Her next destination; the Panchavati forests.

Surpanakha bowed and took leave, and flew away to Her next destination; the Panchavati forests

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