A Father's Debt

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Ashoka Sundari sat on a neat and soft mattress, made of fine grass twigs.

The maids had prepared everything for Her worship and prayers, and soon She slipped into deep meditation. She asked Them to leave Her alone and keep guard from a distance. They went a few metres away from Her, where the grove entrance remained enclosed with huge shrubs.

They stood guard and prevented anyone's entry. Hunda, a Rakshasa, happened to stroll through the forest. He was instantly drawn to the magnetic aura of the grove. He decided to enter the grove, but saw the maids who stood guard.

He then thought of a plan; to enter in disguise. He took the guise of a woman, and went to the guards, with pitiful looks and begging pleas.

"Oh dear maidens of explicit beauty, please allow me to meet the Goddess of this grove, for only Her touch can heal me. My husband has been killed by the demons, and I am bound to suffer in peril. Please help me."

The maids felt pity at the sight of the old woman, considered her to be genuine, and let her in. As soon as he reached the hermitage, his eyes fell on the beautiful Ashoka Sundari, who was sitting in meditation with Her eyes closed.

He approached Her and narrated the same sad story, and requested Her to accompany Her to his house. "Please bless me and let my home adorn the footprints of Your divine Lotus Feet so that I can spend the rest of my days in peace." The kind, naive daughter of the innocent Shiva agreed readily, and very soon, they were teleported into another dimension.

She soon discovered the treachery of Hunda, when She stepped inside the palace of the Rakshasa. "Who are you? Why have you brought Me here?" She tried to escape and run outside the palace door.

But Hunda grabbed Her hand and tied Her to a pillar. He was not willing to let Her go so easily. "Marry me and be my Queen, or else you're doomed to suffer in loneliness in this palace."

The Goddess fumed at his words. "Who do you think you are? Don't you know My identity?" She roared and swung Her hands, and the ropes came down untied.

Breathing heavily, She faced the demon, with an expression of anger and rage. Her aura was so bright that Hunda had to shut his eyes. He could not look at Her magnificence.

He managed to peep through his fingers at the Deity infront of Him. But, there was no Ashoka Sundari. Infact, Goddess Shodashi, Tripura Sundari stood in front of His eyes. She held a million weapons in Her million arms, Her third eye was opened and flashed fire.

"I am Bala Tripura Sundari, the daughter of Shiva and Parvati. As Tripura Sundari, the Queen of Manidwip, You've tried to insult Me and forcefully brought Me here. I curse You to die at the hands of My future husband!"

Cursing Hunda, She disappeared into thin air. Hunda was left flabbergasted and he fell faint on the ground.

"Tripura Sundari…?" He murmured.


As soon as He opened His eyes, He started crying, seeing complete darkness around Him

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As soon as He opened His eyes, He started crying, seeing complete darkness around Him.

The infant Nahusha was kidnapped by Hunda, when he discovered that He was destined to be Lord Shiva's son-in-law.

"If I remove the root cause of all my problems, there will be no further trouble." He thought and commended his plan.

But his happiness was short-lived. One of the attendants of the palace came to know that he had kept a child imprisoned. She felt it was morally wrong and rescued the child and gave Him to Rishi Vashishtha, to be kept under His care and custody.

Rishi Vashishtha enlightened and educated Nahusha, and also told Him of His destiny to defeat Hunda. Nahusha was growing up very soon, and He was a brave and strong warrior.

When Hunda learnt of His escape, he became furious and further thought of abducting Ashoka Sundari again. He reached the place of Hermitage only to see that She was long gone.

Ashoka Sundari wandered through the forest path alone. She saw the forthcoming events through the powers of Her penance, and decided to leave Her hermitage.

She felt the need to rest and stopped midway at a small cottage. A Kinnara couple lived inside. They tended to Her and gave Her food and water. She narrated Her sad story to Them, and also how Nahusha was kidnapped.

The couple consoled Her, "Don't worry Devi, Nahusha will be absolutely safe. Our blessings and prayers are always with Him. You'll see that in no time, He shall defeat Hunda and marry You."

And as prophecized by the couple, Hunda was defeated by Nahusha. He led a powerful army into battle against the demons.

The wedding of Ashoka Sundari with Nahusha was planned. Nahusha was the son of Ayu and Prabha, of the Lunar dynasty. Their marriage was held with great pomp and show.

Parvati became emotional, thinking of Her wedding. She reminisced Her own wedding with Shiva, when She left Her family and came to Kailash and established a new home.

And now time had come when Ashoka Sundari would leave Her father's home and take a new title of another dynasty.

The Kinnara couple who had taken care and consoled Ashoka Sundari during Her dismay, was also invited to the wedding.

"Oh Mother of the Universe, You shall bear a hundred beautiful daughters and six brave sons, including Yayati, who shall be the flagbearer of the Yadu dynasty. Your Husband shall serve as the King of Swarga in the absence of Lord Indra." The couple blessed Her as She touched Their feet.

Shiva grew teary eyed but still managed to hide His tears. He was sending a piece of His heart away.

Ashoka Sundari filled Her palms with rice and poured them in the veil that Parvati carried. "I thus repay Your debt, oh Mother and Father!"

But no matter how many grains She filled, they always seemed short.

Indeed, a father's debt can never be repaid.

।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।। ।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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।। ॐ नमः पार्वती पतिये हर हर महादेव ।।
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

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