Prologue - The Starry Night

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           Elliot was never one to radiate an expressive aura. He was but a star in the expansive spiral galaxy, destined to be outshined, replaced, and eventually turned to dust with a glorious explosion as a supernova. But deep at the center of the whirlpool was the brightest celestial being he had gazed upon, her aura dancing like swirling flames as she conducted the spinning halos of his world.

           She was hypnotizing, like a new surprise with every connection of constellations. He was enraptured. Now, bearing a motive, his faded asteroid rings rekindled. But this revolution would shake the entire galaxy to its core as it witnesses the collapsing of many for one.

           From a spinning coin to an abhorrent decimation, everything was but a consequence. Was it wrong to warrant justice upon the disgraced? Should he have lived in restrained contempt his whole life, caged and building up his fury until he exploded silently at his end? What purpose would that serve, living to fight and fighting just for it all to end?

           Elliot no longer wished to play this twisted game. He had enough of always abiding by the rules, fashioning his own world instead. If there was no retribution then there was no point in holding back. Those who dared to touch his newfound purpose: affluent leader Drew, two-faced Zoey, traitorous worshipper Lia, doormats Henry and Liam... they would more than pay the price for losing the gamble.

           In times of war between self-proclaimed gods, even innocents perish in the fray with no human endeavors ever to bring them back. From this doomed melody, the ivory keys wore away under deft fingers, the heartbeats of the drums' accompaniment fading out as well. Next to evanesce was the serene bluebird chirping of the wind's omnipresent whistle. The only remaining numbers were the solo siren's solemn cries, the hysterical strumming of a fervent lightning lute, and the empty echo of the quivering, perpetually spinning turntable. Slowly transgressing, the rising sound of an elegant, mesmerizing zephyr carrying an exuberant finch, a vigilant oscine, a virtuous eagle, a comely swan, all taking flight in playful halcyon. The song gradually transitioned to a sensational though sinister shower of knife-edged blossoms, guiding the distressed instruments into perceived vindication. Encouraged, the steady beat sounded once more and the song was brought back to life.

          Despite their enshrouded concert, only the lit stage to accompany the starless shadows, they performed with immense spirited vigor for a Black Ocean as if their show was for apparitions and deities instead.

          Just who is in control of this twisted vine of piercing thorns and bloodied roses? It was a funny thing, how power would bind its wielder, spiraling around as a delicate, golden flower crown before snaking around their throat.

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