Chapter 1 - The Game of Destiny

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           Fire. A collage of the warmest, coziest colors dancing, eternally if possible.
           Elliot was fast asleep, the flaming ball of light in the reflected sea above blazing upon his cheek, emanating feelings deep within the sleeping boy's heart. In this particular scenery of his Wonderland, he was perched atop a hazy dreamscape with a flaming crimson serpent curling and writhing about his feet. A sharp, dripping pain sprang from a shin as the ichor spiraled ever upwards like a malicious vine, but he did not move, only stood and stared vacantly, immobilized. The warmth on his cheek grew, the ultimate life source bringing a lively flush upon him. As it crept towards the utmost peak, an abrupt and tinny blast like a muffled gunshot sounded, bringing him back from his lopsided world.

           Elliot startled awake to face the viridescent curtains in his room. The dazzling golden sunlight phosphoresced through the fabric, drenching the room in its scattered rays. With half-closed eyes, he was caught in a paralyzing daze, recalling the fading memory of his fiery delusion. But like a spontaneous burst of passion, the dream and the perceived pain faded into an ungraspable smoke. This dissipation is of the fading sound of an elegant flute and the distant footsteps of a fulfilled audience exiting the grand musical theater, all quieting into the soft patter of rainfall outside on a dark cold evening, the stars obscured by the storm.

           With slight dejection, Elliot swiftly sat up and leisurely stretched, taking in his surroundings. His pastel salmon-colored hair was tousled and the dark circles beneath his opaque coffee-colored eyes were unambiguous. He stayed idle for a few moments before tumbling over the edge of his bed and forcing his body awake, causing his head to spin momentarily. He rubbed his blinded, galaxy-filled eyes wearily, reached for his glasses atop a book on his nightstand, and prepared for another arduous day at Rosemeadow High School. Except, this time there was something more to look forward to, in addition to tending the school garden per usual.

           This was the day he had waited for, prospecting this particular occasion to play an unassuming game. Elliot was subsequently able to swallow his overflowing trepidation, toppling anxiety, engulfing panic, and tremendous fear. He had spent ages in uncertainty, ruminating on the possible outcomes, perusing the internet, and suffering through interminable bouts of agitating woe. Nevertheless, just thinking about it caused a soft, though enervated smile to appear on his face.

           Now, he could start chasing after an audacious, long-awaited desire he could only yearn for just yesterday.

           Milly lingered beneath the blush-tinted canopy of the trees, awaiting this morning's chiming of the school bell. The sun beamed as it hovered in the clear blue sky, radiating its usual sunny, spirited disposition. The profusion of sakura trees waved alongside the sporadic breeze, momentarily cooling down the torrid temperatures.

          The serene scenery depicted a fantastical dream, swaying about as if to cover and hide away the students, obscuring their deeds and desires. To shield them without favor like a luscious garden spiraling around a crumbling gravestone in a secretive world hidden away from the tainting of their own grayscale wasteland seen through colored lenses.

           "Good morning, Milly!" Elliot spoke, strolling over towards her. Despite the affable greeting, his voice was tremulous and slightly raspy, the words tumbled out before his command.

           "Elliot? Morning," Milly stammered, turning the light pink hue of the surrounding cherry blossoms. The weakness of her voice and foreign tremor only brought a burst of anger. Such fury paralleled her annoyance when her fingers slipped on a wrong note on her guitar during practices, of which she'd then take out her fury by stridently strumming all six guitar strings.

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